The Brew: Heroes and Cheats and Winning the New Cold War

By Al Perrotta Published on March 29, 2023

Welcome to Wednesday!

We’re serving today’s Brew with some Aleve to help those media figures who over-contorted themselves trying to twist away the reality that an angry, disturbed transgender shot up Christian children and staff at a Christian school.

For example, CNN scrubbed all references to the Audrey Hale’s sex, once it became known the killer was transgender.

And Reuters tries burying the lead with “Former Christian school student kills … “

And there’s this:

Turning a Killer Into a Victim

No surprise. Something called the Trans Resistance Network released a statement that basically turns mass murderer Audrey Hale into a victim.

They describe Hale as one “who felt he had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others, and by consequence, himself.” The life of transgenders, they write, was “made more difficult in the preceding months by a virtual avalanche of anti-trans legislation, and public callouts by Right Wing personalities and political figures for nothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society.”

The best “way to be seen” is in a hallway pointing a semi-automatic at children? 15 or so years after leaving the school?

“Genocidal eradication”? Did it ever occur to these people that drilling such notions into the head of a troubled, confused soul like Hale fuels the violence we saw Monday?

Lord, I hope that’s not the point.

Monday’s shooting comes just days before Friday’s ‘Day of Vengeance” event in D.C. planned by the Trans Radical Activist Network. The Virginia branch held a fundraiser earlier this month to raise money for gun training.

I wonder: Has the FBI infiltrated these radical trans groups who have guns and vengeance on their mind?

Nashville Police Release Body-Cam Footage

A huge tip of the mug to Nashville police who did not hesitate to go toward the gunfire to take down the Covenant School shooter. Bodycam footage was released Tuesday from two officers involved. So harrowing. So brave.

The Nashville officers woke up knowing their day may involve sacrificing their lives. Nine-year-old Evelyn Dieckhaus just woke up to go to school. She would give her life trying to set off the fire alarm to distract the killer and save her classmates. So brave.

What a horror on so many levels. Sen. Josh Hawley wants the murders to be investigated as a hate crime. But don’t expect the DOJ to see it that way. According to The Federalist, as of Tuesday afternoon, DOJ hadn’t even commented on the attack … “despite Attorney General Merrick Garland previously issuing same-day statements in response to mass shootings.”

Christians were the target. Given Garland’s disinterest in the fire bombings of pro-life churches, of his Richmond branch targeting traditional Catholic churches, of his arrest of pro-life Christian protesters, hard to imagine Garland lighting a candle let alone burning the midnight oil to investigate.

Further, the murderer was transgender. Labeling an act of violence by a transgender as a hate crime? DOJ is more likely to create a task force to go after those who point out the crime was by a transgender. By week’s end, Biden will announce grants to thwart “Anti-Trans Hate” in the wake of this transgender gunning down Christian children for the crime of being Christian children.

I wonder. Will Biden refer to the shooting as “close to sin”? Or is “sin” reserved for trying to stop the castration and mutilation of children under the guise of “gender affirming care”?


How Will We Win the ‘New Cold War’ Against China? Heritage Releases a Plan

The U.S. is dissipating its economic strength, disabling its military, and making a bumbling mess of things diplomatically around the world. China is on the ascendent, spreading its influence from the Middle East to Eastern Europe to Latin America to Africa, and of course Asia. It has also infiltrated the U.S. government and U.S. laboratories. And, not for nothing, gave the world COVID.

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So what are we going to do about it? (At least those of us not lucky enough to live fat and happy on the millions the Chinese poured into the Biden family.) Heritage Foundation has just unveiled “Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China,” a comprehensive report a full year in the making.

According to Heritage:

To succeed in the new Cold War, this plan calls for sustained U.S. economic growth, greater political will, stronger external partnerships, secure borders, synchronized economic and security policies, resilient supply chains, enhanced military deterrence, and American energy independence. It articulates the steps necessary to: protect the homeland; safeguard U.S. prosperity; diminish China’s capacity to harm the U.S. and hold the CCP accountable; reorient America’s defense posture; and exercise global leadership.

The Stream will have a full analysis of the report. But for now, you can read it here.

I think we can use a change in mood, eh?

Report: Tony Fauci Selling Memoir for Almost $5 Million

As if royalties from Big Pharma and a pension the size of Texas aren’t enough, Tony Fauci’s going to be making even more money off of COVID. Penguin Random House’s Crown imprint has reportedly bought Fauci’s memoir for almost $5 million. As NY Post reports, those are the same publishers who shelled out millions for books by Michelle and Barack Obama.

We don’t know the title of the memoir yet. Just that Fauci’s advice is to die for.

How about you? Any suggestions for the title? Creating Pandemics for Fun and Profit? Or I AM Science … Hear Me Roar. Or The Wuhan Wet Markets Caused Jeffrey Epstein’s Death, Too!


Fishermen Plead Guilty to Cheating in Fishing Tournament

Talk about the scales of justice. Two anglers pleaded guilty Monday to cheating in a fishing tournament last September. Jacob Runyan and Chase Cominsky placed weights and walleye fillets in their catches at the Lake Erie Walleye Trail Tournament. Prosecutors are recommending the two get six months probation. The cheaters have also agreed to a three-year suspension of their fishing licenses and Cominsky agreed to sell his $100,000 bass boat.

… which some fishermen would call “cruel and unusual punishment.”

Rescue: Watch 9 Workers Pulled to Safety From a Collapsed Gold Mine

You wouldn’t think a gold mine collapse in Congo would provide an uplifting way to close today. But sure enough it does. Watch this video of 9 miners being rescued from the mine. Bet you start joining the cheers as each one emerges.

Along The Stream

Coming up this afternoon, Dr. Michael Brown does some deep and fascinating digging into Scripture for “Was Esau-Edom White? Destroying Hebrew Israelite Lies (Part One)” The link won’t work until about 3 P.M. Eastern.


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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