The Brew: Fetterman Hospitalized With ‘Clinical Depression,’ While Biden Talks Balloons

"Wait! Go back! Trouble ahead!"

By Al Perrotta Published on February 17, 2023

We’ve got us a three-day weekend! So much to get to. Including a story as sad as it is infuriating.

Sen. John Fetterman Hospitalized at Walter Reed for “Clinical Depression”

Days after being hospitalized after falling “dizzy” at a Senate retreat, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman admitted himself to Walter Reed Medical Hospital Wednesday night for “clinical depression.”

His staff released a statement. They say Fetterman has suffered depression at times, but in recent weeks, it has become “severe.” (Like after he was sworn in to a job he knew he wasn’t fit for?)

Of course, we pray Fetterman gets the treatment he needs and we pray for his complete healing, physical and emotional.

But we can’t let slide the cruelty that was inflicted on this man. After his stroke, Fetterman was barely capable of visiting the Senate, let alone campaigning for the Senate, much less serving in it. But the Democrats were so desperate to retain power that they lied about his condition and pushed this man through the campaign, through the election, and into the Senate.

“Sure, we’ve driven him to the brink of death, but we still have the Senate, baby!”

Fetterman voters in Pennsylvania, you must be very proud this morning. Was it worth it?

Joe Biden Finally Addresses the U.S. Military Shooting Down Objects and the Chinese Spy Balloon

Joe Biden finally spoke to the American people directly about the three objects the U.S. military shot down over the weekend — and the Chinese spy balloon he eventually shot down after it traveled across the U.S.

First he discussed the three objects knocked out of the sky in Alaska, Canada and over Lake Huron, respectively. “We don’t yet know exactly what these three objects were. But nothing right now suggests they were related to China’s spy balloon program or that they were surveillance vehicles from any other country.”

The Intelligence Communities best assessment at the moment is that they were “most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation, or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research.”

Really? At $400,000 per sidewinder missile, with three kill shots and one miss, we spent $1.6 million blowing up balloons that meant us no harm? It might well have been Phileas Fogg out for his spin around the world?

Biden then talked about the Chinese spy balloon, retelling the story from last week that he ordered it shot down, but was told it would be safer to do so when it wasn’t over land. That’s nice. Except we now know the military had been tracking the balloon ever since it left China, and it spent time over the waters of the Aleutian Islands. I’m not great at geography, but I think “islands” are pieces of land surrounded by water.

Summary? Let an obvious spy craft from his Chinese benefactors fly over the country, but Dumbo gets one right between the eyes.

Biden ended by declaring “I make no apologies for taking down that balloon.” Great. But it’s the when that has people wondering.

The “Best Communicator” took no questions. But did get testy. Didn’t take too kindly to being asked if he “overreacted.”

Just walked away.

BREAKING: There’s a good chance one of the balloons belonged to the Northern Illinois Bottlegap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB), a high-altitude balloon hobbyist group. One of their cylindrical balloons has disappeared, with its last known position being west of Alaska. It was projected to be over the Yukon February 11, the same day an F22 blew a cylindrical object out of the sky over the Yukon.

Ever Wonder Where the Expression “Getting Railroaded” Comes From?

Me too. But we saw that expression come to life Wednesday night in East Palestine, Ohio. Residents gathered to get some answers from officials and the rail company behind the unfolding unnatural disaster in their town. However, just hours before the townhall, Norfolk Southern bailed on the meeting. According to town mayor Trent Conaway, “They are scared for their safety.”

Sorry, boys. This is one time when you have to suck it up. Your train. Your explosion poisoning everything in sight. Your mess. It’s also your PR nightmare. Running away from the citizens you hurt makes things that much worse.

Bad enough that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg is AWOL. Cries of “Where is Pete Buttigieg?” were heard in the hall. Sorry, folks. He was off blaming the disaster on Trump.

A question for you environmental engineers or Hazmat experts out there: Any chance we can cover up all the chemicals with the slime oozing from Buttigieg? 


Biden Wasn’t Going to Tell Public About Classified Documents

A follow-up of sorts to yesterday’s Brew. Seems Joe Biden wasn’t going to tell you, the American people, about the discovery of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center. According to The New York Times, a couple high-ranking staffers drew up a public announcement, but then the announcement was shelved. The White House wouldn’t say anything about it, unless the National Archives made a statement. Didn’t happen. The story was eventually leaked to CBS News.

Meanwhile, turns out the FBI made at least two visits to the University of Delaware to dig through Biden’s files there in search of classified documents. No word on whether they found anything.

They likely stumbled across a mess of Chinese yen.

Seems that the minute Joe Biden set up an “institute” at the University of Delaware, China began pouring millions of dollars into the University.


Biden’s Bro Negotiated $140 Million Deal With Saudis While Joe Was VP … Because He Was Joe’s Bro

Biden, Inc., had yet another big payday from a major country thanks to the Big Guy. Back in 2012, when Joe Biden was VP, brother Jim was enlisted by a company called Hill International to help craft a $140 million settlement deal with the Saudis. And it wasn’t because of Jim’s negotiating skills. Jim himself bragged he was brought in “because of his position and relationship to” VP Biden.

The Saudis “would not dare to stiff the brother of the Vice President who was instrumental to the deal.” This according to an affidavit from a former Treasury Department official working as a private investigator. The Daily Mail got hold of the affidavit.

It wasn’t the first time Jim scored a huge payday in the Middle East thanks to his brother. Two years earlier, Hill International was having a rough go of it and wanted a piece of the huge amount of money the U.S. was spending on rebuilding Iraq. They weren’t getting anywhere. They hired on Jimbo as a company Executive VP. Before long, Hill International had a meeting at the White House. And surprise, surprise, a fat $1.5 billion deal to build 100,000 homes in Iraq. (Did they ever even get built?)

Two guesses who was Obama’s point man for Iraq and the rebuild?


Deputy Health Secretary Rachel Levine: Some “LGBTQI+” Children Need to Ditch Parents for “One Supportive Adult”

Transgender Deputy Health Secretary Rachel Levine suggests in a new video that surfaced Wednesday that some “LGBTQI+” children ditch their parents for one “supportive adult.” Levine, whose mission in life seems to be to get as many children castrated and mutilated as possible, made the remarks while protesting Florida’s parental rights law.

One supportive adult. I’d love it if that was always the parent, but it’s not always a parent. Frequently it’s a teacher, or a guidance counselor, or some other coach or another school personnel.

This law forbids kids essentially from talking to these people. Also it means that if you tell a teacher the teacher has to tell the parent. And so it really is a gag rule. It’s a gag law to prevent kids from accessing supportive adults.

In 2024, voters are not only fighting for the country. We are fighting for our kids. Does your candidate hire people rushing to snatch away your kids and rush them into sex-change operations before they’re old enough to drive?


A Tale of Two Tweets

Two tweets Thursday morning that my TweetDeck randomly tossed side by side raise a heartfelt question.

Celebrity musician gifts celebrity politician a bandana as he battles cancer. Nice story, and we pray Rep. Jamie Raskin crushes cancer and is restored to 100% health. And bully on Steven Van Zandt, of E Street Band and Sopranos fame, for sending such a thoughtful gift.

School pushes racial discrimination. Horrible story. One of countless stories where the Woke Left is creating a cultural apartheid in America.

The connection? Little Steven knows all about apartheid. His most famous moment as a solo artist was in 1985 fighting South Africa’s apartheid by leading an artist boycott of the South African resort “Sun City.” Remember “Artists United Against Apartheid”? (Warning: While it’s fascinating to see many of the top music starts of the late 80s, you must be warned Little Steven’s chorus is catchier than COVID.)

The question raised is this: Where is Little Steven, where is the progressive Rep. Raskin, where are any of the artists who swore they “ain’t gonna play Sun City” when it comes to the emotional (and in this case physical) apartheid being pushed by the Woke proponents of CRT right here at home? How about singing, “I … I … I … I ain’t gonna play the race card”?

So where is Little Steven? Actually, the other night, Little Steven was watching his boss, Bruce Springsteen accidentally clobber a roadie with a guitar.

Yup. Another liberal hurting the little guy.

We tease, we tease.

Have a Tremendous President’s Day Weekend!


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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