The Brew: Does the Bible Say ‘Welcome the Cannibal’?

We’re called by Christ to have compassion for people suffering in wretched, chaotic countries. Real Christian concern for impoverished foreign citizens might drive you to contribute to a mission. Or even, if that’s your calling, to go serve as a missionary yourself. You might support efforts at political reform, give to trustworthy charities, and pray for the people of a country such as Haiti — whose tragic history began with the most brutal slavery ever practiced, and continued through a series of chaotic revolutions and dictatorships. Real headlines from 2024 reported that the country’s capital was at one point in thrall to a “cannibal gang.”
But is it really “Christian” to simply import millions of poorly educated people with the evil habits that poverty and ignorance bring, then dump them on communities across America? The Biden/Harris administration is doing that — for instance, to Springfield, Ohio:
Springfield, Ohio had a population of only 58,000 in 2020
Since the pandemic they got around 20,000 migrants.
About a year ago a Haitian migrant without a US license hit a school bus killing an 11 year old boy and injuring 23 others.
Apparently they also have an issue…
— Sarah Sansoni (@sarahsansoni) September 8, 2024
Don’t miss the video testimony of a working-class black American citizen talking about the impact of thousands of recent imports from a chaotic, Third World country:
“The Haitians are in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them.”
A Springfield, OH resident in a city commission meeting called out:
• Public Safety Crisis: A concerned citizen aired grievances about rampant…
— jay plemons (@jayplemons) September 8, 2024
And just so you know whom to thank:
As 20,000 non-citizen Haitians destroy a town in Ohio and reportedly kill and eat peoples pets, here is Border Czar Kamala Harris bragging about allowing them to flood into our country:
“We extended Temporary Protected Status to over 100,000 Haitian Migrants…They need support”
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) September 9, 2024
Is enabling such chaos a way to “disciple the nations,” as some goofballs are suggesting? It’s certainly a way to make yourself feel more Christian than your neighbor, and virtue-signal to strangers how good you are without making any personal sacrifice whatsoever. You can nab more Pharisee points when people who suffer at the hands of these unassimilable immigrants actually complain about it, then you publicly judge them as “bigots,” and preen about how “diverse” your own sensibilities are — pointing to the many ethnic restaurants you patronize via Grubhub.
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Different people have various motives for supporting the mass influx, and we need to be fair in talking about this subject:
- Democrat politicians want cheap votes. Sen. Chuck Schumer intends to grant citizenship and the vote to all 10 million illegals his party imported. Till they can offer that, they will find ways to cast illegal votes on behalf of many of these immigrants in swing states with electronic voting machines.
- Establishment Republicans want cheap labor to mow the yards in their gated communities and nanny their 2.1 children. George W. Bush actually wrote a pro-immigration book about the joys of being raised by Mexican servants. They also want to polish their “antiracist” credentials, which they use to shame and silence populist rivals for power within the party.
- Catholic bishops and their nonprofits want to keep raking in taxpayer money via federal contracts, having made $3 billion in just the past 15 years — reimbursing the Church, dollar for dollar, for all the cash settlements from child sex abuse lawsuits.
- Regime Christians such as Russell Moore and David French want to hoover up cash from huge foundations run by men like George Soros, tar conservatives as hateful, and polish their own self-image as heroes of tolerance and inclusion.
Or you can be like Donald Trump and step up to save your country from chaos at the price of scorn and spitting. Choose life or choose death, choose blessings or choose curses. That’s actually in the Bible (Deuteronomy 30:19).
Should You Dump Your Kids in Chaotic, Transgenderist Public Schools?
Christianity Today (edited by Russell Moore, see above) thinks so. A column by its Theology Editor in the latest edition makes the case. Here’s a quote:
Last month, for example, a video went around in which actor Kirk Cameron described Christian parents who send their children to public school as “subcontract[ing their] parenting and discipleship out to the government,” warning them to expect “little Marxists, little statists, little atheists, drag queens, strippers, drug dealers … you name it.”
By contrast, writer Jen Wilkin has made faith-led arguments in favor of public education, citing benefits for children including a more diverse socialization, a healthy exposure to different worldviews, and fulfilling the call of being a Christian witness in the world. “Our participation in the public school system was directly related to loving our neighbors,” she said in a Gospel Coalition debate on the issue.
Love your “neighbors” instead of your own children, by treating your little ones as hostages and guinea pigs. Don’t worry about their worldviews or their souls. That amounts to granting them “privilege.” (So does reading to them, which White Guilt distributors now actually condemn.)
Instead subject them to low educational standards, erotic books written by groomers, indoctrination in LGBT ideologies, incessant Darwinist materialism, and perhaps even “gender transition” without your knowledge or consent. Don’t worry. You can shape their Christian witness during the hour or so when you help them with their homework.
Now you know why I call that magazine Churchianity Yesterday.
Which Secret Cabal Is Running Our Country?
Historian Victor Davis Hanson thinks we have the right to know. He writes at The Federalist:
Somehow the United States ended up this summer with no engaged president and an absent vice president who avoids the missing president and is frantically repudiating everything she co-owned the last three years.
The world was already confused over how President Joe Biden was apparently declared by unnamed Democratic insiders and donors unfit and unable to continue as their presidential candidate — as if he were a dethroned Third-World usurper….
[W]ho or what now governs America?
Is it Biden again at the beach or closing up shop at noon for his nap and early bedtime?
Or is it Vice President Harris, far from the White House, out campaigning and confused over who she really is or wants to be, what, if anything, she plans on doing if elected president, and how to avoid any unscripted moment?
Or are our real rulers the stealth cabal of Democratic grandees and billionaire donors who arranged the Biden presidency by forcing out his 2020 primary rivals, staged the conspiratorial silence about his real disabilities for well over three years, ambushed him, and forced him off the Democratic ticket, and are now frantically reinventing Kamala Harris as capable and centrist when just a few months ago they had written her off as incompetent and a hopeless wannabe California radical?
Liberal Democrat Pollster Now Canceled for Predicting Trump Victory
Gateway Pundit reports:
Nate Silver, the liberal statistician who runs the popular polling and data website FiveThirtyEight, is drawing anger from leftists after his latest election models indicated that Trump is the favorite to win November’s presidential election.
As reported by The Gateway Pundit this week, Silver’s latest polls indicate that Trump has a 62.5 percent chance of victory compared to Kamala Harris at 38.5 percent, suggesting that her honeymoon period is well and truly over.
Enraged that any poll might undermine the credibility of their gaslighting plan to steal the election if they can’t win it, leftists are now trashing Silver as a “Republican operative” because he has a tangential business relationship with gay Republican tech mogul Peter Thiel.
These people won’t surrender power easily. They might not even go peacefully. Be prepared for a cold, dark winter.
Along The Stream
Later this morning, read this informed reflection on the confused state of opinion among Americans on the profound issue of abortion, and what we can do to inform and convince fellow citizens.
Don’t miss my raucous interview with election integrity activist and January 6 prisoner advocate David Clements on his Frankspeech video podcast.
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.