The Brew: Delusions and Deceptions

Happy Monday!
And congrats to the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs (and Patrick Mahomes’ bum ankle). They’re on they’re way to the Super Bowl!
Don’t know if it’s just something in the water, but today’s Brew is chock full of delusions.
5 Black Cops Beat a Black Man to Death = Racism
Memphis police on Friday night released the police body-cam videos from the five officers involved in the beating and subsequent death of Tyre Nichols. Nichols supposedly had been pulled over for driving erratically … and ended up dead. It’s a horror. Compare to the Rodney King beating? Worse. Rodney King was a mountain of a man hopped up on PCP, uncontrollable. Nichols posed no such challenge.
Yet, as reprehensible as Nichols’ death is … as criminal as his beating appears to be … we can’t help but be revolted by the deluded hustlers and haters who are blaming Nichol’s death on racism. We’re not talking about random noodle-brains on Twitter. We’re talking about famed CNN commentator Van Jones … who knows better.
We’re talking about the radical and racist Congresswoman Cori Bush:
Merely diversifying police forces will never address the violent, racist architecture that underpins our entire criminal legal system. The mere presence of Black officers does not stop policing from being a tool of white supremacy.“
This apparently includes Memphis’s black female police chief?
We’re also talking about Joe Biden, who never passes up an opportunity to play race cards the way Hunter pays hookers. (As if that makes up for his history of racially insensitive comments and pushing into law a crime bill that locked up countless African-American men.)
[Nichol’s death] is yet another painful reminder of the profound fear and trauma, the pain, and the exhaustion that Black and Brown Americans experience every single day.
Yeah. Nichol’s is dead because America is racist. Thanks for the help, Big Guy.
Deluded: Georgia’s New Election Law Would Suppress the Black Vote. Wrong.
How deluded was Major League baseball? They pulled the 2021 All-Star game from Atlanta because they believed race hustlers. From Stacey Abrams to Joe “Jim Crow 2.0” Biden, Democrats pressed the slander that Georgia’s new election reform law was designed to suppress Black voters. Well, we knew Blacks in Georgia voted in record numbers in 2022. But now comes the definitive proof how dishonest the propagandists were.
Do you want to guess what percentage of black voters had a poor experience in the 2022 election? According to a new poll by the Univ. of Georgia, that percentage is 0%. Zero. Nothing.
Want to compare that to Republican voters in Arizona? Just saying.
The Word “The” is Racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic? The Associated Press Seems to Think So.
The Associated Press is making yet another woke change to its influential AP Style Guide.
Last week, they tweeted “We recommend avoiding general and often dehumanizing “the” labels such as the poor, the mentally ill, the French, the disabled, the college educated. Instead, use wording such as people with mental illnesses. And use these descriptions only when clearly relevant.”
The original tweet was deleted.
Was it because Elon Musk embarrassed them? “So then why do you call yourself ‘The’ Associated Press?”
So then why do call yourself “The” Associated Press 😂
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 27, 2023
Delusion: Why Didn’t the Unvaccinated Warn Us?
Yeah, it’s only a blog post on, a website that features such click-bait articles as “These are the signs you’ve been abducted by aliens, according to UFOlogists” and “Your child, a far-right extremist? 11 early radicalization signs.” But still. You knew it was only a matter of time. And a symbol of these times. As the side-effects of the jab grow to the point even the CDC can’t ignore them, as the “Died Suddenly”’s mount up by the day, we get this: “Why didn’t the unvaccinated warn us?”
The uncredited writer whines and moans that those who had suspicions about the COVID-19 vaccines, who saw the early indicators of trouble, didn’t make a big enough stink.
How deluded. Where’s the author been? Those who tried to speak out were kicked off Twitter. (Not just esteemed doctors like Dr. Robert Malone, but concerned citizens like my wife.) Those who refused the jab were harassed, fired, accused of being mass murders. Given the stink eye at family gatherings. Or disinvited.
For those of you who tried to warn friends and family, what reaction did you get?
Now are the fine folks at concerned about apologizing to those who were right? Or seeing those like Dr. Fauci be held to account? Or even “How do we prevent this from happening again.” No, they’ve posted another article “How do we prevent discrimination against the vaccinated?”
And Now Some Laughable Delusions!
Once-respected presidential historian Jon Meacham actually compared former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney to Abraham Lincoln last week. He called PBS Cheney’s refusal to back down from her (creepy) obsession with Donald Trump “courageous.”
Firing Line host Martha Hoover noted Meacham had written a book on Lincoln. “You say that Lincoln was ‘a man who put moral commitment at the heart of what he was doing and a duty to constitutional order itself ahead of his own power. Are there modern day leaders that you think reflect similar qualities of character?”
“Yes,” said, Meacham, “I think of Liz Cheney right off the top of the question. I think of people who have actually sacrificed their own individual power in the cause of preserving a larger order that for all of its imperfections has proved durable.”
Liz Cheney is a modern day Lincoln? Seems like Meacham is the one with a hole in his head.
Meanwhile, how’s this for self-delusion? Rep. Adam Schiff when he announced he is running for Senate: “I’ve always believed that the truth matters.”
And finally, I get hyping a client, but c’mon, man!
Hunter Biden’s art dealer Georges Bergès declared to Fox News Digital that Hunter “will become one of the most consequential artists in this century.”
Yeah. Hysterical. Then again, Hunter’s laptop does paint one of the greatest portraits of political corruption in American history.
Along The Stream
Stream contributor Faith McDonnell is back with a fascinating look at a powerful revival that doesn’t get the attention it deserves: “The Overlooked Revival: The East African Revival Was a Mighty Move of God”
And speaking of revivals, our Nancy Flory offers a preview of the upcoming movie Jesus Revolution, which tells the – dare I say “groovy” — story of Greg Laurie and the Jesus Movement of the 1970’s.
Check out the trailer, if you haven’t seen it. And tell me if this doesn’t look awesome.
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.