Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day.
Support The StreamThe Brew: Daughters-Who-Used-to-Be-Dudes of the Revolution
Plus, remembering the legendary Baltimore Oriole third baseman Brooks Robinson

Happy Friday the 13th,
Let’s see what we have Brewing today.
As we said, it’s Friday the 13th. You’re not superstitious are you? What do you call having an irrational fear there will be more Friday the 13th movies? Krugerfriggatriskaidekaphobia.
Seriously, I want to talk about the number five.
The Number Five
Five is the number I press whenever the automated voice on the phone says “Push any number to end this call.” Is always pushing 5 a superstition? A few weeks ago you might have convinced me of that. And then sad news flashed that brought everything back. Legendary Baltimore Orioles third baseman Brooks Robison had died at the age of 86. Brooks wore number five. Brooks is the reason I wore number 5 all through little league and whenever I had a choice on softball teams. Brooks is why 5 is my favorite number and that’s why every morning when I have to verify to our email system that I’m still me I punch that number five.
When I was little, I wanted to be Brooks Robinson, that class act diving to make the miraculous catch or snatching away a sure double or triple down the line. 16 straight Golden Gloves. “Mr. Impossible,” an announcer called him. Oh, how many shirts and jerseys did I stain diving around baseball fields! Perhaps my favorite thing as a kid … and grown up kid.
Yes, for old Red fans who still have nightmares about Brooks Robinson from the 1970 World Series, it might be cruel to watch. But this tribute from the Major League Baseball will give younger fans a feel for the great Brooks Robinson.
Like Cal Ripken in later decades, Brooks embodied the best of Baltimore. Not flashy, not loud. But a master craftsman who just did his job day in, day out, season in, season out, at a level one could only marvel about. Perhaps I still aspire to be like Brooks Robinson.
I couldn’t help but note, in these divisive, bitter times, that two friends from opposite sides of the political spectrum both posted tributes to Brooks within minutes of learning of his passing. A feat these days as wondrous as any catch.
So, this morning we tip our cup to the great number five. Let nothing get past us, let’s protect the line, let’s bring people together, today and for however long this season lasts.
Dodgers Swept … Earn Jab From Babylon Bee
The Los Angeles Dodgers won 100 games this season. Yet, they were swept, in shocking fashion, by the Arizona Diamondbacks in the first round of the playoffs. An upset that led to this zinger from The Babylon Bee:
Dodgers Wondering If They Should Have Spent More Time Training For Playoffs And Less Time Honoring Satanic Drag Nuns https://t.co/rfiTtO2EUD pic.twitter.com/DSnOiVZlKl
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) October 12, 2023
If you missed the joke, earlier in the season the Dodgers honored the blasphemous drag queen troupe The Sisters for Perpetual Indulgence. A direct affront to their largely Hispanic and Catholic fan base.
Daughters of the American Revolution Now Allowing Biological Men
After over 120 years, the Daughters of the American Revolution is now allowing biological men to join its prestigious organization. According to their website, DAR welcomes “Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible to join.”
A bylaw approved in July added another line that DAR cannot discriminate on the basis of gender, religion or sexual orientation.
DAR President General Pamela Rouse Wright made a point of clarifying that, yes, that includes males who’ve had their birth certificate changed to female. “Some have asked if this means a transgender woman can join DAR or if this means that DAR chapters have previously welcomed transgender women? The answer to both questions is, yes.”
The Daily Signal reported in July that the new bylaw also strikes the line “provided an applicant for chapter membership is personally acceptable to the chapter.” So a chapter that rejects the radical gender dogma that men can be women is out of luck. Like the British at Yorktown.
Speaker, Speaker, Do We Have a Speaker?
As of Thursday afternoon, the United States still does not have a Speaker of the House of Representatives. Majority Leader Steve Scalise got a majority of the GOP votes in a secret caucus Wednesday, but in a surprise move Thursday withdrew his name after it became clear he wouldn’t get the 217 votes necessary to become Speaker. Justice Committee Chairman Jim Jordan moves into the top position, but others including Kevin Hern and Majority Whip may throw their hat into the ring. For that matter, recently deposed Speaker Kevin McCarthy may as well.
Rumors Republicans have called in a temp agency to quote “send someone over right quick” proved unfounded.
Quick Hit on the War: The Danger of Jumping on a Tweet
Yesterday afternoon we posted “Update on the Israel War … With an Eye on the Home Front,” particularly noting the Hamas call for today to be a “Day of Jihad” around the world. We pray for safety and the supernatural protection of all potential targets.
We do want to add one bit of great news … with a bad taste chaser. This tweet from CBS News sparked outrage:
10-month-old Israeli twins were found hidden and unharmed at kibbutz where Hamas “massacred” their parents and beheaded children. https://t.co/9YCtAJ6KTs
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 12, 2023
Thank God for the safe recovery of the two children. But what in the world was CBS News thinking by putting “massacre” in quotes? Are they truly trying to suggest there wasn’t a massacre as attested by the fact these two kids somehow survived? CBS News got hammered in the responses.
But here is the danger of jumping on tweets in a time of high emotion. The actual CBS News story is clear right from the start what horror was uncovered. The title of the actual story: “Israel kibbutz the scene of a Hamas “massacre,” first responders say: “The depravity of it is haunting.” And the first two paragraphs:
Near Sderot, Israel — Israeli emergency responders with years of experience doing the grim work of recovering bodies broke down in tears Wednesday as they told CBS News what they’d witnessed in the aftermath of Hamas’ brutal terror attack on Israel. The depth of the horror unleashed by Hamas Saturday on Israeli communities near the border with the Gaza Strip was still emerging five days later.
After finally wresting back control of the small farming community of the Kfar Aza kibbutz, Israeli security forces discovered the aftermath of what a military spokesperson said could only be described as “a massacre.”
So “Massacre” is a direct quote from the Israeli military. Not an effort by CBS News to minimize or question the horror.
Kamala Harris Again Shares Her Love of Venn Diagrams
What is the saying? “I want to be loved as much as Kamala Harris loves Venn Diagrams.” The Vice President again grew bubbly talking about her favorite subject.
Kamala: "I love Venn diagrams. I love Venn diagrams. Whenever I am presented with, kind of like this is complicated, I always wonder, is there a Venn diagram to figure this stuff out?" pic.twitter.com/OafsWqr4Ac
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) October 12, 2023
This isn’t to tease Harris. She gets enough of that. Perhaps it’s a reminder that we humans can find great joy in the oddest things even in sorrowful times. Be it a Venn Diagram or a dirt and grass stain on your chest after flinging yourself to catch a ball. Or … well … you tell us. What’s your goofy joy?
May you find joy this weekend in things big and small … no matter how odd.
Along The Stream
Stream editor and military author Tom Sileo catches us up on what’s happening with the U.S. military in regards to the war in Israel with “Service & Sacrifice: ‘In Harm’s Way.’”
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.