The Brew: Biden Administration Says No Lunch for Christian Kids Unless It Can Sexualize Them

"Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?" (Matt. 7:9)

By John Zmirak Published on July 28, 2023

Al Perrotta is on vacation another day …

Leftists like to say stuff such as, β€œIt’s all about the children.” If they mean β€œgrooming them sexually,” I 100% believe them. In fact, the Biden administration is willing to snatch nutritious meals out of the mouths of poor American kids, if they can’t gain access to their fragile psyches β€” over parents’ objections β€” and flood them with filth.

Think I’m overstating things? I wish I were. But the Daily Caller lays out the cold, sobering facts:

Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks sent a letter Wednesday to Department of Agriculture Sec. Tom Vilsack demanding answers over a department rule change Banks said would block religious schools from participating in the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service programs.

The rule change falls under the department’s Title IX sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) provision. The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter, in which Banks mentions the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) blocking preschoolers enrolled at the Church of Compassion Dayspring Learning Center from qualifying for free lunches provided by the USDA’s Child and Adult Food Care Program in December 2022, because the preschool objected to the USDA’s SOGI rule.

β€œAbout 40 percent of the children at Dayspring are low-income and, before they were denied access to federal nutritional assistance, qualified for USDA’s Child and Adult Food Care Program,” Banks wrote in the letter. β€œFor nearly twenty years, Dayspring had used the program to provide students in need with regular meals. As recently as 2022, that aid amounted to between $3,500 and $4,000 a month – until, as a result of your federal rule, it was cut off.”

Among the probing questions the admirable Rep. Banks asks of the USDA are these:

  • “Yes or no: would your Department’s Title IX SOGI rule change block religious schools, including Christian, Jewish, or Muslim institutions, from participating in USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service programs, as well as other related programs?
  • “Title IX exempts religious schools from rules that would constitute a violation of their faith. Why is this administration, as well as state-level agencies tasked with administering federal programs, not honoring these exemptions?
  • “Yes or no: would your Department’s Title IX SOGI rule change prevent Indiana public schools with female-only sports teams and locker rooms from participating in your department’s nutritional assistance programs?
  • “Nearly 30 million schoolchildren across the country rely on FNS programs for breakfast and lunch costs. Is it truly this administration’s position that those children do not deserve nutrition because their school disagrees with the Biden administration’s redefinition of the word β€˜sex’?”

But remember, folks: We’re the extremists, the wild-eyed zealots willing to cram our dogmas down the throats of the weak and vulnerable. By the way, the phone number of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture is 1-202-720-2791.

RFK, Jr. Schools Sean Hannity on Western Warmongers and the Ukraine Slaughter

There’s a famous Monty Python sketch that has stayed with me since I first saw it at age 11 on public television. It’s just so utterly bonkers, so gloriously absurd: Professional boxer β€œKen Clean Air System” going in the ring against a 90-pound, frail young woman. It turns out about how you’d expect:

But that sketch’s slender typist was Muhammad Ali playing Rope-A-Dope against George Foreman compared to Sean Hannity trying to play β€œgotcha” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., about the war in Ukraine on Fox News this week. No comment needed.

Just watch it for yourself, and remember that amorphous impulses like Hannity’s are what got us into the Iraq War disaster β€” causing a genocide of that nation’s Christians. The same primitive urges might well shove us into a nuclear war with Russia, where your home town could share the fate of biblical Sodom:

While he’s great on censorship and medical tyranny, Kennedy is wrong on all the social issues, so I’d never vote for him. But unlike Hannity (who’s also wrong on most social issues), he’s actually willing to learn the facts behind the current conflict β€” and weigh the most prudent policy to advance American interests and end the killing now. As Jason Jones has said here at The Stream, every Christian should be screaming for an immediate cease-fire and a negotiated peace.

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Want to Stop the Trafficking and Exploitation of Immigrants? Matt Gaetz’s Bill Would Turn Off the Magnet

One of the most powerful attractions that leads migrants in other countries to entrust themselves or their children to human trafficking cartels is β€œbirthright citizenship.” This is a fanciful reading of the 14th Amendment which grants citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. β€” even to the child of a Chinese Communist official whose flight from Beijing to Ireland made a layover in Chicago. If the child emerges at O’Hare Airport, BAM: he’s an American. And his parents can apply for U.S. benefits for him.

The courageous Rep. Matt Gaetz wants to turn off this magnet, Gateway Pundit reports:

In a bold move, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has unveiled a comprehensive plan to end the controversial anchor baby policy in the United States. This policy currently grants birthright American citizenship to children born on U.S. soil to parents who are in the country illegally. Gaetz’s proposal seeks to address this contentious issue head-on.

This policy, Gaetz argues, incentivizes illegal immigration and creates an avenue for illegal immigrants to gain a foothold in the U.S. through their American-born children, commonly referred to as “anchor babies.”

β€œI’m introducing the ‘End Birthright Citizenship Fraud Act,'” Gaetz announced on his Twitter account.

β€œAmerican citizenship is a privilege – not an automatic right to be co-opted by illegal aliens. This is an important step in preserving the sanctity of American citizenship,” he added.

Of course, if you’re a government contractor getting rich by helping cartels to resettle and hide the illegal immigrants, such as Catholic Charities, you would strongly oppose this bill. It would keep out the goose that lays your golden eggs.

How the Chinese Communist Party Is Targeting U.S. Companies, With Biden’s Help

Project Veritas, isn’t the same without its founder James O’Keefe, but it appears to still be doing some valuable work. The investigative group reports:

Project Veritas has acquired hundreds of documents that detail business plans for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) State-Owned Enterprises related to their 14th Five-Year-Plan. A source alerted Project Veritas to an exposed web server belonging to one of China’s state sponsored enterprises.

These documents detail Chinese Government projects that were approved by the CCP in October of 2020. Some of these projects focus on advanced technology, including biotechnology, nuclear technology, AI etc., some with potential military applications. They also cover high end manufacturing, including agricultural and medical equipment, as well as the development of materials and chemicals.

Based on the documents, several individuals involved in the research and development of these projects work with public universities and private companies in the United States, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Australia, Japan, France, and Germany through various CCP programs, including the Chinese Thousand Talents program.

This program, along with affiliated Confucius Institutes, were subject to oversight and disclosure of Chinese Communist Party members during the Trump Administration. The Biden Administration revoked this oversight in 2021 – the same year China’s current Five Year Plan was initiated. [emphasis added]

Intelligence Agencies across the globe believe that the Chinese Government utilizes State Owned Enterprises to undermine the Free World in an attempt to become the world’s only superpower.

You can download the files here.

Along The Stream

Don’t miss this powerful testimony by author Kristin Lunceford, who tells Life Today Live about how she battled with what spiritual writers call β€œscruples,” the needling inner voice that demands perfection and goads Christians to despair.


John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”

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