The Brew: A Run by Michelle? A Return of Scary Poppins? A Telling Tale From Kamala? Plus Tucker J6 Tape Night Two

Happy Wednesday!
We’re having to make today’s Brew decaf … a lot of those reacting to Tucker’s J6 stories are way too jittery.
Tucker Carlson Tapes Part Two … as Swamp Has Meltdown
Tucker Carlson did not bring out any new tape revelations Tuesday night, but his Monday night report sure drew out the Swamp Creatures. Tucker declared the hysterical reaction from official Washington was “fear” and “panic,” showing us two things:
First, “We’re getting close to what they care about.” Which begs the question, he said, “What are they trying to protect?”
“The second thing we learned is they are all on the same side.”
Read my full recap of Night Two, “Swamp Loses Its Collective Mind as Cop Loses Job for Wearing a MAGA Hat”
Chuck Schumer really went off Tuesday. Most amusingly, Schumer called the Monday night broadcast “the most shameful hour ever broadcast on television.” Good news, Geraldo! Your Al Capone’s Vault special is off the hook!
Really, Chuck? The most shameful TV hour ever? Have you not watched the Kardashians?
Little Kamala: “Why Are Conservatives Bad, Mommy?”
Kamala Harris told a “very simple story” from her childhood hoping to tear at conservatives. Seems she’d been learning about ecology and conservation in school, and her young brain was vexed, “Why are conservatives bad, mommy?” she asked her mother, “Because I thought we were supposed to conserve?”
Cue Kamala laughter.
We’re not going to question whether Little Kamala actually said this or not, or mock Adult Kamala for her latest in a mountain-high stack of public head-twisters.
Nah. We’ll just note that Kamala Harris as a child had already been indoctrinated by her parents and/or teachers that conservatives were “bad.” Not wrong. “Bad.”
And that’s sad. A sad kick off to her politics to come.
#Election2024: Michelle Obama Again Being Talked About as a Potential Candidate
Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s ears must be ringing. She’s again being talked about as a potential Democratic candidate for 2024. Michelle has the name, high approval ratings and, according to Democratic strategist Douglas MacKinnon, she has the “it” factor.
All true. But let’s be honest. The Democratic bench is so weak you could drag out the bones of Eleanor Roosevelt and she’d be polling at 15%.
Mrs. Obama admits she “sobbed uncontrollably” for 30 minutes after leaving the White House. Partly from having to say goodbye to her home of 8 years. (Understandable) And partly from her bitterness over Donald Trump taking office.
Oh, Michelle. Didn’t Barack tell you he, Biden and his top officials had set in place an effort to sabotage Trump? Oh well. Hopefully the tens of millions you and Barack made during the Trump years helped ease the sorrow.
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But will Michelle Obama run if Biden bails? She’s said she has no plans to run. But lots of people’s plans will change if Biden nixes a rerun. I mean, Hunter may have to find a real job.
Seriously it’s hard to imagine Michelle giving up the good life to return to the White House for one simple reason. She seemed miserable the whole time she was there. All partisanship aside. You see people in dental offices awaiting oral surgery who are happier than Obama seemed in Washington.
Being president is the hardest job in the world. You have to enjoy doing it to have any chance of doing it well. Biden doesn’t. Why do you think he flees the White House for Delaware every weekend and snaps at everyone around him?
On the other hand, Trump clearly dug the job, despite all the garbage thrown at him. A normal human being would have been a sour mess who aged a dozen years. Bill Clinton? Even after two jam-packed terms, they practically needed the Jaws of Life to pry him out of the Oval Office.
Nah. Michelle’s sitting this out.
So-Called “Scary Poppins” Censorship Merchant Subpoenaed.
Remember Nina Jankowicz, the censorship-loving songbird that was named to head DHS’ “Disinformation Governance Board”? The lady dubbed “Scary Poppins”?
Jankowicz has been ordered to give a command performance on Capitol Hill. She’s been subpoenaed to be questioned about the Biden administration’s effort to stifle dissent via accusations of “disinformation.”
Nina also be doing a few numbers from her new collection of show tunes, including “Spoonful of Censorship,” “Let’s Go Fly a Chinese Spy Balloon,” “Gonna Wash Those Conservatives Right Out of the Public Square,” “Orwell, What a Beautiful Morning,” “Don’t Rain on My Propaganda” … and, of course, “Memory,” because, well, you gotta do “Memory.”
Yeah, I just made up the album. But Jankowicz’s appearance on Capitol Hill is sure to be a chart-topper.
Along The Stream
John Zmirak charges in with a fascinating “Anti-Racism: The Golden Calf We’re Told to Worship.”
Stream contributor Timothy Furnish takes a closer look at a situation not getting nearly enough attention, as Iran is “days away” from enriching nuclear-grade uranium. “Is Iran Bound by an Apocalypse Vow?”
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.