The Boy Beto
Beto O’Rourke is many things. Former three-term Congressman with nothing notable in his record. Failed Senate candidate. Former punk rocker. High-tech investor. And, generally, a left-wing demagogue.
He was, at least for a while, another of the media’s anointed. Much like Barack Obama, who came from relative obscurity — can anyone actually give a concise, clear definition of his occupation, “community organizer?” — to the White House. Obama’s liberalism, coolness, confidence, big smile, and “nuance” enraptured liberals looking for a new political messiah.
Beto has been seen as a Obama redux, only white. But suddenly the liberal elites are having second thoughts. There’s something they didn’t see about him before.
Beto O’Rourke is a very immature man.
The Self-Created Myth
He is caught up in his own self-created myth. Like a 10-year-old dreaming of the time when he will scale Mt. Everest or win the Medal of Honor, Beto now tells us of his bid for the presidency that “I’m born to serve, I’m born to try to help bring people together.” Quite a sense of calling, that.
He made an off-hand remark that his wife is the main caregiver for the couple’s children, “sometimes with my help.” That incensed the left. He was making a small joke, but immediately was accused of gross insensitivity to women. And he immediately buckled.
He went so far as to suggest his comment demeaned his wife and exalted his role as a male. What utter rot. The guy was making a joke about the fact he’s been gone from home a good bit of the time. The fact he surrendered so quickly to the always-offended left wing Sisterhood shows a measure of weakness we cannot afford in a president.
Then there was his mystical-magical solitary road trip to shake out of his funk. He just took off, leaving his wife and three children, for three months. Three months. Yeah, all dads do that, of course. When wife and kids get to be too much, we drive. And drive. And muse about pancakes and our dentists and whatever else strikes our fancy. As Beto did in his online posts.
Actually, no, we don’t. We man-up, buck-up, and are there for those we love and to whom we’ve made a solemn commitment.
Not a Man of the People
That said, there was no financial worry involved. Beto married a woman whose father has a personal fortune of about $500 million. His own late father also had vast wealth. Beto’s mother ran in such high financial circles she once was a member of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank.
But he seems not to have needed to draw upon those deep wells of family money. His own personal wealth was, at least as of last October, about $9 million. And that’s great, as he seems to have been quite a talented businessman. But his claim to be a “regular guy” can’t be taken seriously.
In other words, Beto could still be out there wandering, musing, staring at his carelessly scuffed shoes as he ponders the meaning of our galaxy. And, if he wanted, staying at every five-star resort from Amarillo to Nacogdoches.
Maybe that’s why he has such a casual way with using the “f-word.” No one has ever held him accountable for his foul mouth — crude language is just a privilege of the rich. He uses it constantly, in front of all kinds of audiences. The Texas Tribune has even produced a video in which he lets fly in all kinds of situations and before all kinds of people, in print and in live events. (Warning, obviously: bad language.)
A voter recently asked if he would “clean up his act” and stop using obscene language (in front of children, no less). So when finally confronted about it, Beto said, “Great point, and I don’t intend to use the F-word going forward. Point taken, and very strongly made. … We’re going to keep it clean.”
Not a Man
One might expect this kind of sudden apology from a panicked youth. And one would not expect this kind of verbal rot from the mouth of a would-be public servant. And certainly not from a 46-year-old man with three young children.
As a teenager and young man, I worked in two different union locals around some tough men. But they knew enough not to use crude words in front of women, much less children. Maybe Beto should work on loading docks for a couple of months. He would see how nature’s gentlemen behave.
The conservative journalist Emmett Tyrell wrote a book titled Boy Clinton. He cataloged that always-child’s peevishness, arrogance, and what he rightly called “shabbiness.” For me, the memory of the Clintons in the White House is too disturbing to want to relive it. Especially not with a boy-man named Beto.