Contending for Breakthrough: Pray for the Young Generations
Day 2 of a 21-day prayer guide.

Tensions are high, and all eyes are on the November elections. What will the results mean for our nation? It is a critical time in history for both America and our world.
While leaders determine a nation’s course, God is sovereign and can be trusted. Letβs humbly seek His Presence and His intervention on behalf of America. In a posture of unity, letβs agree that He is the only one who can turn the tide in our nation.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood but principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places, and the battle belongs to the Lord. He has permitted us to come boldly to His throne for mercy and grace in our time of need; this is a time of great need. Intercessors must lift our voices with one heart and mind and stand in the gap for America.
Day 2: Pray for the Young Generations
And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams (Acts 2:17).
Generation Z (age 14-27) was once considered the least religious generation; however, Generation Alpha (age 0-13) is now taking that title. Gen Z and Alpha have grown up with increasing technology at their fingertips. Theyβve experienced the duality of the natural and online world. They seek information and connection. With that comes the dangers of exposure to cyberbullying, grooming, pornography, etc. The younger generations have hearts that long for acceptance, which isnβt wrong, but their voices often echo the fallen culture. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice, enabling them to vocalize their beliefs. Now, imagine what they could accomplish for the kingdom of God.
While it may seem that the younger generations are at war with the elders, itβs not personal. They feel misunderstood and misrepresented. Ask God to give you his heart for them.
Pray for a mighty outpouring on Generation Z and Alpha, revealing dreams and visions of Jesus the Messiah. He is the source of hope, justice, and acceptance they long for.
Pray the church (previous generations) will help mentor and nurture their gifts and strengths (see 2 Timothy 3:14- 15).
Pray for success and expansion of colleges and universities that train in righteousness. Pray for Christian groups at universities everywhere to reach the lost and strengthen students of faith.
Taken from The Battle for America: Contending for Breakthrough by Intercessors for America.
Intercessors for America informs, connects, and mobilizes a growing number of people to pray and fast for the nation. Since 1973, IFA has been speaking into governmental issues that are based on the Word of God. Its goal is not to be political, but to uphold biblical positions on issues facing our nation. For more information, visit