The Abortion Industry, Sex Crimes, and a War on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

An Indiana abortionist allegedly listed as a minor the 27-year-old rapist of a 10-year-old girl. The girl was impregnated and transported across state lines from Ohio to Indiana. CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, expert in medical ethics and women’s reproductive health care, encouraged law enforcement and mainstream media to ask pertinent questions in order to ensure the protection of this girl and all victims of sex crimes.
CompassCare, physically attacked by a pro-abortion terrorist group for speaking the truth to women, wonders why the mainstream media and pro-abortion politicians are preoccupied with abortion rather than protecting and ensuring that this 10-year-old girl, and others like her, receive the full benefit of law enforcement.
Protect The Victims
- Is it possible that the misrepresentation of the rapist as a minor was not a mistake?
- Is it possible that rape victims are not getting the benefit of the full extent of the law because of similar misrepresentations of rapists by other abortionists?
Maybe the abortionist is not actually complicit in covering for a rapist. But was she aware the girl had been raped? Was she aware of who transported the victim across state lines? Was it the abortionist? Who told the abortionist that the rapist was a minor? Was it the rapist, the mother, the 10-year-old girl, or someone else? If the abortionist is in the right, why does she feel the need to threaten a defamation lawsuit?
Law enforcement needs to ask if this misrepresentation is systemic across the abortion industry. The abortion industry needs to be investigated for potential complicity in sex crimes — complicity in a sex crime is a felony. Pro-life pregnancy centers are being attacked baselessly by pro-abortion politicians for misrepresenting the truth about abortion. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, in speaking about the response to the Indiana abortionist’s threats of a defamation lawsuit says, “Methinks thou doth protest too much.”
Pro-Abortion Politicians Declare War on Christian, Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
In May of this year, Jane’s Revenge gave pro-life pregnancy centers an ultimatum: disband in 30 days or face the consequences. Now after over 70 attacks nationwide, rather than protect pro-life organizations and people under attack, pro-abortion politicians and mainstream media outlets seem to have joined Jane’s Revenge rally cry.
A Common Purpose: Terminate Pro-Life Organizations
Both pro-abortion politicians and Jane’s Revenge share a common purpose: to terminate pro-life organizations. Jane’s Revenge seeks to destroy their property while pro-abortion politicians like New York Attorney General Letitia James aggressively seek to wipe pregnancy centers off Google Maps. On June 28, James submitted an open letter to Google brazenly mischaracterizing pregnancy centers, demanding that they be removed from Google Maps because they do not provide abortion.
Additionally, in a recent letter to Google, 21 U.S. Senators and Congressmen asked that search engine algorithms be modified in order to limit the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers to use common key words related to unplanned pregnancy like “abortion” when marketing their services to women considering abortion. Yet pro-life pregnancy centers do offer information about abortion as well as services women need when considering abortion like free pregnancy diagnosis, options consultations, information on abortion risks and side-effects, and comprehensive community support. Curiously, despite not referring or providing abortion, pro-life medical centers like CompassCare carry 5-star Google ratings.
Google’s restriction of pregnancy centers’ use of abortion related key words when advertising in the unplanned pregnancy market space would be a violation of freedom of speech. And if the company applied this policy evenly throughout all advertisers would proliferate other irrational bans like barring Italian restaurants from advertising using the key word “food” if they do not sell Chinese take-out. It would destroy the basis for Google advertising, losing billions. Rev. Jim Harden, CompassCare CEO says,
It appears that Letitia James and the other pro-abortion politicians believe that women are not intelligent enough to navigate Google and should only have one option; abortion. This unfounded vilification of Christian pro-life pregnancy centers under attack from domestic terrorists serves only to deepen the pro-abortion Kristallnacht.
CompassCare is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to erasing the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence.
Originally published in two parts at Reprinted with permission.