The 60 Million Deaths We’ve Forgotten (And They’re Not From COVID-19)

Do you imagine COVID-19 to be a greater threat than the wrath of God?
We’ve gone to great lengths, totally rearranging our lives in response to COVID-19. Nothing is the same: churches, businesses, schools, airlines, government offices, sports, the way we vacation, how we conduct ourselves and gather for parties, the plans we make. The first bit of news I saw on a recent morning was that COVID- 19 deaths had approached 3,000 people the previous day, approximately two persons a minute. It’s tragic information.
But our response is in stark contrast to another truth that is awkward to talk about. On average, 3,000 times a day, seven days a week, year upon year, we’ve terminated a child’s life with abortion. It’s a sobering fact. We’ve sacrificed 60 million children while we have dithered about what to do.
Americans Voted for Abortion Through All Stages of Pregnancy
In November 2020, more than 70 million Americans voted in support of unlimited abortion. Seventy million of us think federally-supported abortions up through the third trimester are a good idea.
The primary defense of abortion in recent years has been a woman’s right to choose. We have been told nothing is more sacred than the right to choose what you can do with your own body.
Until 2020. Suddenly, our right to choose for ourselves is no longer so sacred. Abortion clinics have remained open, but churches have been closed.
The Decision
America is at a decision point. The future of who we will be, as a people, is in play. There’s a spiritual battle raging in our country right now. There’s an attempt to throw off the values and principles that have guided us from our nation’s founding, until today.
In our history as a people we’ve overcome global conflicts. We have survived internal stresses. We’ve even managed to overcome immoral treatment of one another. Those victories are made possible because of the Biblical principles that have given us a standard for which to strive.
Many Christians (and I interact with many) are more than just a bit rattled. They say to me, “We prayed!” Some even repented. Some went so far as to go without food and call upon God. As they’ve watched the events of recent days and weeks unfold, there’s been disappointment and despair.
The Larger Truth
There’s a large segment of voices within the Christian community that says we need to return to civility and cooperation. I do believe we are called to show love to all people, but we are not given the assignment of calling evil good, and good evil. We must not confuse the two responsibilities.
The larger truth is that we’ve tossed aside our children. We’ve ignored God’s direction regarding marriage. We refuse to be constrained by Biblical standards of sexuality. We’re consumed with envy and greed. We discard the Truth, and we revel in deceptions.
These descriptions are as accurate within the walls of the churches as they are without. This isn’t about someone else. It’s about each of us, and what we tolerate, and what we set aside.
Our Ultimate Allegiance
Our problems are not going to be resolved in the halls of power in Washington, D.C. No matter who is in the White House, our assignment has not changed, nor been negated, nor minimized. Our assignment transcends the government. Our loyalty to the country where we live is important, but our ultimate allegiance is to our King.
We need to fear the Lord more than COVID-19. Similarly, we need to follow the Lord, instead of merely “trusting science.” Though I’m an advocate for science, theories shift as scientist learn and discover more. We saw this truth play out in 2020 as CDC recommendations changed and evolved. If you’re solely following science, you’re on a wandering path.
Science can be duplicitous. Early in the quarantine, scientists told us to make choices that would protect other lives. Wear your masks. Stay at home. Don’t go to church. They asked us to make sacrifice after sacrifice, and we listened. Do you see the irony? America looks to science to help save lives when it comes to COVID-19, but we discount science in the name of choice, when it comes to babies killed in the womb.
Instead of looking to science or the government to be our guide, we need to align our hearts toward the Lord with a never-before demonstrated intention. Let’s watch, look, pray, and act to protect the biblical principles we’ve inherited from our forefathers. Let’s pursue God with an abandon that exceeds our determination to avoid COVID-19. The lives and freedoms of our children — both born and unborn — are at stake.
Allen Jackson is senior pastor of World Outreach Church, a congregation of 15,000; and he is founder of Allen Jackson Ministries, though which his biblical messages have been broadcast nationally and internationally on multiple platforms. His latest book, God Bless American Again, released Oct. 1.