That’s the Church’s Job!

It's not up to parties or platforms. It's up to the Ekklesia.

By Wanda Alger Published on July 29, 2024

For those who have been grieved at the recent changes in the Republican Party platform now allowing some forms of abortion and same-sex marriage, and concerned at the lack of clear biblical morality in politics, I hear a reality check from Heaven…

β€œThat’s the Church’s job!”

In past years we have rightly prayed for a political party to take a solid biblical stand concerning some core foundational issues. We have rightly called for the laws of our nation to reflect moral and sacred values. We have done well to demand our representatives listen to the people and not just their financial backers. And yet, the Lord would have us step back from our frustration at the lack of morality in politics and take some ownership in the problem. We need to remember who is ultimately responsible for providing direction in morals, values, and that which is sacred and true.

β€œThat’s the Church’s job!”

The Man in the Mirror

This is what I heard when considering the challenge before us. We may point fingers of blame at various politicians and even presidents both past and present, but ultimately the finger needs to point back to us. The Church. The Body of Christ. The Ekklesia. For it is not the laws of a nation that will determine the morality of a people, but the beliefs and convictions within the hearts and souls of its citizens. And those beliefs and convictions can only become established when taught and proclaimed from America’s pulpits.

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Without church leaders consistently preaching and teaching sound biblical values instead of giving compromised and self-serving Ted Talks from the stage, people will never find the truth. Without pastors being bold enough to address today’s hot-button issues from a strong biblical foundation, counterfeits and twisted lies will devour the next generation by default. Without leadership from those anointed and appointed pastors and teachers within the Ekklesia to guide and direct God’s purpose for this nation, it is foolish to think our government and those leading it will ever change.

Go!” said the Lord. “This man is My chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings, and before the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15 ESV)

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The message of the Gospel is not just the salvation of souls, but a reformation of hearts and lives within cultures and people groups. The only entity that can cut through the clamor of the culture and direct people to righteousness is the Church, the Ekklesia of God. And yet, the trend among woke pastors and celebrity ministers has been to avoid such messages that may divide their following or tarnish their popularity. The result has been immorality being legislated from our courts and perversity celebrated within our institutions. Because of silence from the pulpits, political agents are calling the shots and demanding submission from the masses. The Church needs not only to wake up, but to step up.

It’s time to start preaching on the sanctity of life and God’s original design for sex, sexuality, and marriage. It’s time to give instruction in discerning party platforms and ideologies from a sound biblical worldview, and empowering the people to be a voice to the culture. It’s time to address perversity being promoted within schools and lawlessness being allowed on campuses and in the public square. And it’s time to take a stand on matters of purity and faith, not from a religious spirit, but with a zeal and passion from the heart of God.

We should know by now that no political party is going to steer us toward holiness. Nor is any political candidate going to instruct us on biblical values. Because that’s not their job. That’s the Church’s job.

Politics is not the problem. Politicians are merely the fruit of a culture fed on self-indulgence, fleshly control, and earthly systems gone rogue. The true change agents of this nation will not come from any political platform, but from the pulpits of the righteous who dare challenge both doctrines of demons and strongholds of men.

But now revealed and made known through the writings of the prophets by the command of the eternal God, in order to lead all nations to the obedience that comes from faith. (Romans 16:26 BSB)


Wanda Alger is an ordained and commissioned fivefold leader who has been in ministry for more than 35 years and is passionate about interpreting life from Heaven’s perspective. She is called to speak to the Body of Christ about the mountain of government, godly leadership, and Kingdom authority. Her blogs, videos, books, and other resources are available at

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