Terror and Dread Has Fallen Upon Them!

For those who have felt under constant attack and are questioning the status of your warfare, know that the seeming setbacks and system failures are actually indicators of your soon-coming victory!
The principalities and powers attacking this nation are trembling. They are in panic mode. Attacking both collectively and personally, they would have us think that all our systems are breaking down because of failure on our part. But it is only because God’s redemptive work is at hand! It is the mighty arm of the Lord that is at work and accomplishing His purposes. He is resetting every system according to His original design and standard.
Where the enemy has tried to circumvent God’s order and establish his own systems of death and destruction, the right hand of the Lord is raised against our foes. It is the mighty arm of God that is about to fall on His enemies and crush every plot and plan devised against us.
Take Heart
Terror and dread fall upon them; because of the greatness of Your arm, they are still as a stone, till your people, O Lord, pass by. (Exodus 15:16 ESV)
Yes, troubles assail and warfare has intensified. But it is because terror and dread has fallen upon the enemies of God! The ongoing threats and attacks against those who fear God are merely indicators of the FALL about to happen. The constant distractions to cause doubt and fear are only last-minute attempts to stop Kingdom declarations from manifesting in full color.
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As the enemy assails and presents troubles of many kind, remember that these are not problems to be fixed, but distractions to deny. For many, a spirit of infirmity has plagued the Body through myriad illnesses and ailments, hoping to weaken the resolve of the faithful. Like grenades being thrown, the enemy has hoped to overwhelm you with one attack after another. Do not fall for his trap. Where he would have you think your faith has been empty and without power, it is the exact opposite! Your faith has been working to move mountains and your perseverance is breaking through the tumult! You are winning! It is your declarations of healing and liberty that are working and causing the enemy to panic. He sees the breakthroughs on the horizon!
Stand Strong
Do not give in to the voices that challenge your standing with the Lord. Do not listen to the whispers that question your right or authority to take the stand that you do. In your weakness He is strong. For our victory does not lie in our human attempts to heal ourselves or our mental prowess in answering the charges. No, our victory lies in the finished work of the Cross and the access to Kingdom authority awarded to us on the day of His resurrection! He has given us authority over the enemy, not because of our work, but because of HIS.
It is not by human will or strength that this war in being won. It is by faith in Him alone and the power of His right hand to accomplish that which He has spoken. He will not be denied! His word has already been settled and His people have remained steadfast. Seated at His right hand, we are crushing satan beneath our feet as the King is making our enemies a footstool (Psalm 110:1)!
Do not allow the symptoms of your situation to dictate your faith. Do not allow the pain and discomfort to determine your resolve. You are winning the battle by continuing to stand and not yield. Your faith in the unseen is cutting through the fog of war and is overtaking the enemy.
Make no mistake. The enemies of God are trembling because they know their time is short. Demons are squealing and principalities are falling because the people of God are taking ground and possessing their promise. And it will not be undone.
There they are in great terror, for God is with the generation of the righteous. (Psalm 14:6)
Wanda Alger is an ordained and commissioned fivefold leader who has been in ministry for more than 35 years and is passionate about interpreting life from Heaven’s perspective. She is called to speak to the Body of Christ about the mountain of government, godly leadership, and Kingdom authority. Her blogs, videos, books, and other resources are available at wandaalger.me.