Supernatural Unity in an Unsettled Time

If we want to see healing in our nation, followers of Christ must come together in commitment to God and to each other.

By James Robison Published on December 15, 2016

In last month’s election, an astounding 66.8 percent of Mr. Trump’s 60.9 million votes came from Evangelicals and Catholics. There was a unity in purpose that I believe was miraculous. But our unity must not be at the ballot box only. The gospel is not partisan. The power of transforming truth presented in love can change everything and everyone.

The Scriptures say it is “wonderful and beautiful for brethren to dwell together in unity,” and the apostle Paul emphasized that we should seek diligently to “preserve the unity of the Spirit in a bond of peace.”

For those of us who know Christ, we must find the common ground to address our common concerns with common purpose for the common good. This is what must happen if we’re going to see our nation healed.

Our efforts must include praying for a similar supernatural unity to prevail in Washington with our nation’s leaders, including Congress and the cabinet members. This unity is essential for the future of freedom at home and around the world.

Reaching Out to Those We’ve Been Taught to Avoid

With all my heart, I’m seeking to follow the counsel of a good, respected friend, Billy Graham, whose advice lines up with God’s Word concerning the importance of spiritual unity. We have only glimpsed the unity God calls for a few times in human history. Every time we have it has had a positive and profound impact.

Dr. Graham advised me during one of our conversations to “diligently seek to spend time with people I had been taught to avoid” (that is a paraphrase, but it is how I heard it, how it registered, and what I have been faithfully seeking to do). I have found this counsel to be as wise as any I have ever been offered or any message I have heard preached. His words of wisdom have had a profound, positive impact not only on me, but on all of those I’ve spent time with, including President-elect Trump.

As I have followed Dr. Graham’s advice, I have found walls removed and love lifting us above barriers that have too often been prison walls rather than a hedge of protection. I am going to continue meeting with others, making it clear that I’m on a diligent pursuit of truth and want to find ways to work together for the benefit of all.  I am doing so now with people across all party lines, social divides, racial barriers and, yes, sectarian barriers; and I will do so without compromising God’s Word.

Our unity must not be at the ballot box only. The gospel is not partisan.

While discussing the truth, even debating it and when disagreeing, I will seek to do it with such love that it will disarm most who disagree, and both parties will be honed to a sharper cutting edge for the glory of God.

Restoring Blessings to the Land

Throughout the Old Testament and throughout history, every time people moved away from God, the end result was a loss of productivity, blessings, opportunity and, yes, prosperity. In an agrarian culture, the crops failed. Today, our economic systems and their effectiveness are disrupted.

People lack wisdom, judgment, discernment, character and trust — and we suffer loss. Bad decisions produce bad results. Excessive regulations produce limitations leading to bondage, along with the destruction of opportunity and productivity. The only cure for it is a return to God. We return with our whole heart and allow His truth to renew our mind through its transforming power. Then we see the blessings of God restored.

For those of us who know Christ, we must find the common ground to address our common concerns with common purpose for the common good. This is what must happen if we’re going to see our nation healed.

If you look at the prophet Joel’s book, you will find that the locusts devoured the productivity of the land. They worked in total destructive harmony, committed to their purposes resulting in destruction. Notice in chapter 2 that these destructive forces worked together in perfect unity.

The powerful effect of such unity must come to the church in order to see the enemy’s assault on life and freedom overcome. God said, even after this awful plague, “If you will return to Me with your whole heart — not just going through the emotions of repentance, but really allow Me to change your mind and thinking — I will make up to you for the years the locusts have eaten.” In an agrarian society, they understood when He said, “I will pour out the former and the latter rains. I’m going to do whatever is necessary to restore the blessings to the land if you return to Me.”

Committing to God and Each Other

If we are going to see the healing for the tragic consequences of years of bad decisions, the results of rebellion against God’s Word and eternal principles, we are going to have to come together on our knees before the Living God, committed to Him and one another — loving Him with all our heart and loving our neighbor.

As my friend Sammy Rodriguez says, “It’s the vertical and the horizontal.” We love God, we love one another. We reach up to Him! We reach out to them! It’s the ministry of Billy Graham and Martin Luther King combined. It’s the spiritual and the moral and the social, and it works effectively.

This is the will of God for us, and I promise healing and restoration will begin when we come together in supernatural unity as the family of our perfect Father. I want to be a part of encouraging that great sacred gathering. I’m committed to it, and I’m asking you to join me because I see on the horizon glimpses of another Great Awakening.

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