Supernatural Unity in the Face of Unholy Division

Many times throughout my 60 years in ministry, I have preached about the significance of unity. Over the past couple of years, my zeal has intensified — and I’ve noticed that it has become a central theme for other Christian leaders too.
I firmly believe that the supernatural unity Jesus prayed for in John 17 is the only force that can hinder and effectively disrupt Satan’s intentions and bring the gates of hell, deception, division and destructive forces under control. He prayed we would be one with God our Father, and He also prayed we would be one with one another in supernatural unity, overflowing with transforming, unconditional love.
The weight of these words must now be better understood and applied with total commitment so they become a reality in our lives to fulfill God’s kingdom purpose and see His will done on earth. The church cannot succeed without unity, and neither can our nation, which came together as the “United” States of America.
Turmoil Inside and Outside the Church
Sadly, the turmoil inside and outside of the church today reveals that we as believers — members of His body — have missed the absolute importance of unity. The fact is, if we don’t have supernatural unity in the church — a fruit of which is supernatural community in our national leadership, politics and policy — freedom has no future. Zero.
Satan clearly understands the unstoppable power of Christian unity and is totally committed to do all he can to prevent it. The father of lies — the divider and destroyer — is determined to keep us at one another instead of with one another.
In our nation, we are watching areas of division increase daily. Today, the media narrative and national debate — and even church debate — go beyond pushing principles or policies. It is weaponizing ethnicity, race and heritage. Bludgeoning us with our differences, rather than bringing us together as children equal in the eyes of God. The guillotines of “cancel culture” and rat poison of Critical Race Theory tear apart the very possibility of healthy unity in our nation. And the church is not immune.
Satan clearly understands the unstoppable power of Christian unity and is totally committed to do all he can to prevent it.
People’s lives are being destroyed while many foolishly argue about the color of one’s skin. Today’s debates totally and deliberately renounce what Rev. Martin Luther King said: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
The ultimate fruit of this lack of unity is far more than division — it’s the destruction of everything precious pertaining to life, godliness and freedom. It will be the end of any opportunity for joy, peace, success or prosperity, which are blessings God bestows on us to be enjoyed and shared.
The Pursuit of Unity From Above
This assault on freedom must come to a screeching halt. The pursuit of unity and wisdom from above must become the focal point. It is possible, or Jesus would never have told us to pray for it and emphasized the importance of it.
Even our own physical bodies cannot function properly unless all the uniquely designed, diverse body parts are rightly connected and working in harmony.
God-ordained unity can keep people from being deceived and defeated by Satan. The devil knows if he can keep Christians from living in supernatural unity, he has won the battle. Satan has attacked the unity that is essential for Christ’s body, the church, to make the powerful impact He left us here to have and make for His glory.
The good news is that we are beginning to see truly great leaders emerge with undeniable leadership qualities and the character to uphold the importance of the unity Jesus prayed for. If the church will pray together for truly gifted leaders to come together in undeniable unity, we will immediately help correct America’s tragic, deadly course. We will see freedom not only restored, but reach a point of greater impact.
Thankfully, I have been witnessing a gradual change concerning the importance of unity within a remnant of believers, and I’m already beginning to see the powerful effect it will have when it is fully practiced. God led Betty and me and our staff to begin serving other Christians outside our Baptist circles and not allowing different points of view to keep us from praying together and effectively addressing common concerns in harmony with biblical truth.
The fruit has been undeniable.
If truly gifted-by-God individuals will come together in unity to support principles that matter, we can turn the tide. We will see churches effectively working together again on common concerns. Principled leaders with a biblical worldview will begin to win elections, both locally and nationally, in landslides. Truth, love, wisdom and blessings will prevail again. We’re not that far from it.
Remember this: Being fed up with what is wrong is not the answer; being full to overflowing with what is right is the key.
An Unshakable, Indivisible Force
We must stand together — shoulder to shoulder — as an unshakable, indivisible force similar to the unity that led to the founding of this nation. Our nation’s founders were some of the most brilliant, successful, strong, opinionated, powerful individuals in history. They could have spent years arguing in fruitless, meaningless, destructive, divisive discussions. The opposite happened — miraculously, in prayer, they came together in supernatural unity. Their diversity proved the truth that “iron sharpens iron.” They became sharper, not duller.
Jesus told us, “If you hear My words and do it (hear it, heed it and not merely declare it, discuss it, debate it or defend it, BUT DO IT!), you will build your house — your life and future — on an unshakable, solid-rock foundation that will withstand every storm you face.” The positive, powerful effect your life will have, will not be shaken or stopped. This is the abundant life Jesus came to give us to fulfill His kingdom purpose for His glory!
The apostle Paul exhorted us to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3). He said, “Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (Phil. 2:2). May this unity of the Spirit mark our hearts and lives, and may we diligently seek to be an answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17.
May we again be “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible.”
James Robison is The Stream’s founder and publisher. He is co-founder of LIFE Outreach International and co-host of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed.