Sunny Side of The Stream: 200 Muslims in Gaza Saw Jesus, Ex-Terrorist Confirms

By Aliya Kuykendall Published on January 22, 2024

Here’s a roundup of some sunny news.

Ex-terrorist Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, author of Once an Arafat Man and The Mind of Terror and founder of the Hope of Peace Foundation, told CBN News, “many Muslims are looking for an alternative to Islam” and God has a purpose in the present pain and destruction to get Gazans to “wake up.” He confirmed an encouraging report from late last year:

“I have a report from one of my team members that 200 Gazans gave their heart to Jesus in one lump sum,” Saada told CBN. “The Lord appeared to them in visions and dreams and they were hugging each other and rejoicing. [They] realized all of them had the same vision that each one of them had.”

Michael Licona, professor of New testament studies at Houston Christian University, shared this inspiring report back in November from “underground Christian ministries”:

Praise the Lord that He is revealing himself to Muslims in Gaza!

March for Life 2024

This Friday saw thousands marching for 51st National Pro-Life March in Washington D.C.

Here’s a pretty time lapse of the march:

Are these chants a tearjerker for anyone else?

I love how the pro-life movement brings together believers with various theological differences. I’ve learned to be deeply grateful for Catholic teaching on life and the theology of the body, as Catholics have historically kept up the pro-life banner when many Protestants were lulled by the ways of the world on abortion.

Pray for a Beating Heart

As marchers chanted about protecting babies with heartbeats, one little baby’s parents are pleading for prayers that their baby’s heart will beat strongly. Mark Joubert shared on X that his infant son Gus had a heart transplant, but the donor heart wasn’t beating. He asked for prayers.

But now, the baby boy’s transplant heart has begun to beat, albeit weakly.

Please join Mark and his family in praying for baby Gus’ heart to beat strongly so that he may live.


Aliya Kuykendall is a staff writer and proofreader for The Stream. You can follow Aliya on X @AliyaKuykendall and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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