Sunny Side of The Stream: 10-Year-Old Sports Reporter Tells Quarterback He Respects Him for Honoring God and His Wife

Let's focus on something good.

By Aliya Kuykendall Published on February 11, 2023

Jeremiah is a 10-year-old boy who, according to his Instagram bio, is a sports commentator and a straight-A-student who wants to be a home-game commentator for the Las Vegas Raiders. He’s already very good at what he does.

His account name, Jeremiah one and five, seems to reference the Bible verse Jeremiah 1:5: β€œBefore I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Several things make Jeremiah impressive. He starts off his interviews with pro football players reciting their stats, which he apparently has memorized. He’s well-spoken, well-prepared and uses his age, faith and life experience to connect with the players on a personal level. This is not an interview you’re going to get from a professional sports reporter. It’s far sweeter.

“You’re Going to Make Me Cry”

Jeremiah told Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Derek Carr that as a 10-year-old Raiders fan, he’s had Carr as his quarterback all his life. “But that’s not the reason why this feels like a dream come true to me. I admire and respect you so much because of the Christian man that you are, on and off the field.”

Then it gets deeper, as Jeremiah connects godly manhood to honoring one’s wife. Talking about being a Christian man, Jeremiah says, “And I know what that looks like, because my dad is also a God-fearing Christian man, and he always teaches me to treat my mom like the queen of the family that she is. And I noticed something about you: that every time you talk about your wife, your face lights up. You smile. It’s like you’re talking about your best friend.”

“That’s right,” Carr says.

“Do you remember the exact moment that you realized she was your queen and you wanted Miss Heather to be your wife?”

“You’re going to make me cry, man,” Carr says. He recalls his first date with is wife, when they both talked about what they wanted in a spouse. “As we just began talking, I knew I was gonna marry her, at that moment.”

Has any other journalist gotten this story from Carr?

In a January interview with Davante Adams, wide receiver for the Las Vegas Raiders, Jeremiah uses his age to connect with Adams. He reflects on one of his favorite memories: going to Adam’s camp and playing 7-on-7 football.

Then he asks Adams, “So what is one of your greatest memories in your childhood?” Adams recalled the first time he met a professional athlete, pro wide-receiver J.J. Stokes, when he was around 7 or 8 years old.

In this next interview, Jeremiah asks Josh Jacobs, Raiders running back, how his father Marty Jacobs is doing. Jacobs’ six-year-old son, Braxton, called 911 when Marty had chest pain. Marty ended up having emergency heart surgery. Jeremiah told Jacobs he was praying for his dad and his family and then recalled when he called 911 to save his own mother. Jeremiah asked Jacobs to give Braxton a No. 1. winners medal, pulled it out of his pocket, and said, “Even though we little people, we have very big purposes in life. And I know it wasn’t an accident or a coincidence that your son was at the right place at the right time to save his grandfather’s life.”


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As a journalist, I love Jeremiah’s interview skills. He’s impressive in his preparedness and he excels in connecting and drawing out meaningful responses. As a Christian, I love that Jeremiah truly cares for the players as people. And of course, as a Christian woman, I love that he honors his father as a God-fearing man for the way he treats his wife as the queen of the house, and that his father teaches his sons to do the same.

Jeremiah is an incredible boy, and it’s clear he has incredible parents who model godly character and support him in excelling at what he does. Jeremiah and his parents are a shining light to these players, displaying love, excellence and godly character. I’m reminded of Proverbs 20:11:

It is by his deeds that a boy distinguishes himself,
If his conduct is pure and right.

Here’s some more sweet stories:

Night to Shine

The Tim Tebow Foundation’s annual Night to Shine was back in person on Friday night for the first time since 2020. That year, Bruce Dunn had covered for The Stream his experience volunteering at a Night to Shine event in his article, β€œβ€˜Night to Shine’ Highlights Why Life is Worth Living.” Tebow reported that this year, more than 600 churches in 46 countries hosted a Night to Shine event. These special prom-like events for those 14 and older are centered on God’s love for people with special needs.

Every person with special needs who attends gets a moment to be crowned king or queen. Check out this sweet video of a young lady being crowned queen. 

The Power of a Hug and of Compassion From a Strong Man

Two police officers stopped to check on a young man who was stopped on the side of the road. He seemed to be feeling stressed and overcome with emotion. Bodycam footage captured the police officers’ kind response, hugging him, talking to him and offering their numbers in case he should need to talk in the future. The young man was clearly relieved after the encounter.

A Girl is Born Amid Destruction and Dying

In the midst of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey that has killed 25,000, a baby girl was born. Video shows a man carrying her, and it looks like she’s still covered in afterbirth. Birthing this girl was perhaps her mother’s last act, as The Sun reports, she “reportedly died shortly after giving birth” “under the weight of a wrecked building.”

Let’s be praying for this baby girl and for the people affected by this earthquake in the short and long terms. That, like hers, lives would be saved. That aid would come swiftly. That the gospel would be preached. That the opportunity to meet needs and share God’s love and the hope of eternal life amid the reality of death would turn many away from sin and to God, bringing something eternally good out of this horrible suffering. Let’s also ask God to show us how we can be a part of the solution. One option you may not be familiar with: I personally respect a ministry called FAI for their work at the frontiers of the missions movement, reaching unreached people groups with the gospel and aid.


Aliya Kuykendall is a staff writer and proofreader for The Stream. You can follow Aliya on Twitter @AliyaKuykendall and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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