Stream Splashes: December 9-15 in Review

By The Stream Published on December 16, 2018

Every week, The Stream rounds up some highlights from the recent news. We call these our “splashes”: everything from insightful commentary on the week’s big events to small inspiring stories you may have missed.


What do you tell your kids about Santa? That’s a tough one, isn’t it? You’d think there was enough controversy in the world, but then on Sunday The Stream reported on a man arrested for trespassing at a church, shouting, “Santa’s not real!”

Meanwhile many parents are wondering, why can’t we just let our kids have some fun?

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With most of the country in the throes of holiday preparation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where Ebenezer Scrooge was recently appointed director, issued an important reminder over the weekend: “Say No to Raw Dough!”

What’s to be done? Thankfully the media director of the CDC, known to some as the Grinch who stole Christmas, suggested some helpful tips.

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One hour ago I got the most terrible news imaginable. Turkey is at this moment threatening to attack the Federation of Northern Syria — the same people who defeated ISIS. And President Trump is about to endanger tens of thousands of Christians, hundreds of thousands of Kurds, and millions of Arabs just to appease Turkey.

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What started as a short film for church has now become the pilot episode for a VidAngel television series called The Chosen. The first episode, The Shepherd, was released December of last year.

The creator and director of the series, Dallas Jenkins, recently walked through the film set with The Stream’s Nancy Flory and discussed the series that tells the story of Jesus through other characters’ perspectives.

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