Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day.
Support The StreamStream Splashes: April 21-27 in Review
Every week, The Stream rounds up some highlights from the recent news. We call these our “splashes”: everything from insightful commentary on the week’s big events to small inspiring stories you may have missed.
Dead people stay dead. Everyone knows that. Growing up among secular people, I don’t think I ever heard anyone admit Jesus might have risen from the grave. No one said, “You know, that was a long time ago. There seems to be some evidence for it. It’s not impossible. So who knows?” No one was agnostic about Jesus rising from the dead. My secularist friends knew He didn’t.
“I had stabbed people. I had stolen property — from cars to cash to drugs. I had ordered others to take out rival gang members or punks who double-crossed us. I had street cred in spades.” So writes the author of a new book called The Shot Caller. Casey Diaz knows his book is raw. He wants to show the reader that God will change anyone who will let Him. But he wants to do it honestly.
As I speak in various countries, there is increasing concern about “apostles” who compete with each other in rival miracle claims, followings and income. They view apostleship as a high-status and lucrative office to which they may be promoted if successful in lower roles. The complaint is not about using the title “apostle” instead of “bishop” or “superintendent.” The complaint is about those who demand special recognition.
So, what are some criteria that can help us distinguish true from false apostles?
Mayor Pete “Angel of Light” Buttigieg took time away from the ministrations of his loving same-sex spouse to explain the Bible to us again. It’s nice to have such a leader volunteer his time and talent.
Buttigieg informed American Christians that he can unite the church. That’s a tall order, you’d think, for a simple layman. But it doesn’t daunt Buttigieg.
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