Stacey Abrams: Male Chauvinist Ultrasound Machines
Well, now we know where Stacey Abrams got the idea that six-week-old babies in the womb don’t have a detectable heartbeat. That’s the latest excuse for abortion being spread by the media. Liberal outlets such as NPR and The New York Times are trying to combat fetal heartbeat abortion bans by claiming that at that stage, to quote The Times, the fetus has “only a primitive tube of cardiac cells that emit electric pulses and pump blood,” and the sound heard on an ultrasound is “created by the machine itself, which translates the waves of electrical activity into something audible.”
Planned Parenthood stealth-edited its website to change from saying that the heartbeat begins at 5-6 weeks to claiming that it’s just the beginning of heart development.
What About That Narrative?
Washington Post “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler rushed to spin the same narrative, claiming that the ultrasound is just picking up “electrical activity generated by an embryo,” not a heartbeat. That prompted a savage dressing down by radiologist Dr. Pradheep J. Shanker, who called that 100% “scientifically and medically incorrect” and called on Kessler to retract and apologize for his “really pathetic scientific document.”
Dr. Shanker wrote,
Ultrasound only detects density and motion. It cannot detect any electrical activity at all. This is a scientific fact…It is true that the valves in the heart develop later. However, the cardiac muscles that are located in the embryological heart are contracting. They are in fact moving inward and outward. That is how you define a beat… [Is] the beat the same as a fully grown adult beat? Of course not. We’re talking early [in] biological development. However, the cardiac tissue is contracting, which is literally what a beat is. To say otherwise is scientific misinformation, and cannot be treated otherwise.
This is Highly Illogical
So we know where Abrams got her scientific misinformation. But where did she get the wacko idea that ultrasound machines are designed by men to create fake fetal heartbeat noises to keep women down? I’m guessing it’s something she picked up on the set while filming her cameo for Star Trek.
Then again, if you’re looking to Stacey Abrams and her backers for facts and logic, you might as well be searching the Denny’s menu for caviar. Abrams not only still thinks she was cheated in the 2018 Georgia governors’ race by “voter suppression” (despite a big increase in the number of voters), one pro-Abrams pollster is now accusing the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (hardly a conservative paper) of “voter suppression by poll” because their latest poll shows Gov. Brian Kemp leading Abrams by 50-42%.
I guess if you can believe her wacky election conspiracy theories, you can also believe in male chauvinist ultrasound machines.
Mike Huckabee is the former governor of Arkansas and longtime conservative commentator on issues in culture and current events. A New York Times best-selling author, he hosts the weekly talk show Huckabee on TBN.
Originally published at Reprinted with permission.