SOTU: Takeaways, Giveaways and Blown Aways

By Al Perrotta Published on February 7, 2019

It’s the aftermath the State of the Union, when the mainstream media tears down what 76% of the viewers enjoyed with their own eyes. NPR even found a way to critique President Trump for celebrating the record number of women in Congress. Don Jr. was having none of it.

The Hill is so obsessed with Don’s half-sister Tiffany it downright counts as stalking. All evening and again Wednesday morning, every few minutes, The Hill was retweeting a vapid story about Tiffany Trump wearing white last night. Did The Hill’s intrepid reporters discover the Georgetown law student was wearing white in solidarity with the sullen Democratic sisterhood? A deliberate slap at her father? Dissension, Division, Drama in the Trump Family? Tiffany has found the light and is part of The Resistance? No. Not even close. 

They just want you to think so. Either that or whoever handles their Twitter feed has a fetish for the first daughter that the Secret Service needs to keep an eye on. 

At least most who are criticizing the State of the Union waited to watch it. (Even if their condemnation proved as predictable as a Patriots winning season.) Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris were among the notables who blasted the State of the Union before it happened. Remember when Democrats said they had to pass the health care bill before they could read it? Tuesday, Democrats passed judgement on the President’s speech before he even delivered it. 

But I’m hardly surprised. Trump’s a Republican. Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to Lincoln’s Gettsyburg Address would have been, “What? Only 90 seconds long? And he didn’t address climate change?” 

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Meanwhile, I’m waiting for CNN’s Don Lemon to ask 10-year-old cancer survivor and activist Grace Eline if she thinks her life is ruined because she agreed to be honored by Donald Trump. (If you missed it, Lemon asked legendary singer Gladys Knight if she thought her career would be harmed by performing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl in the wake of entertainers calling for a boycott over Colin Kaepernick. The rest of America is wondering why Gladys couldn’t have stuck around and done the halftime show. Maroon Five should have been on a midnight train out of Georgia.) 

Amazing Grace and Other Guests

Grace was just one of the President’s special guests who brought out the sniffles. How could you not get a lump in your throat watching 91-year-old Buzz Aldrin, the second man to step on the moon, stand up and salute? Or how could you not weep with Alice Johnson, who had her sentence communed last year by President Trump? How could you not drop your jaw in amazement at Timothy Matson, the Pittsburgh cop who took seven bullets in his successful effort to stop the synagogue shooter? (And I think trying to type after stubbing my toe is taking one for the team.) 

And how could you not believe you were in an alternate universe when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Miss Abolish ICE — actually stood to honor ICE agent Elvin Hernandez? 

Of course, attention hasn’t been on these heroes. It’s on young Joshua Trump, the 11-year old bullied because his last name is Trump. Joshua was a guest of the President Tuesday night. His falling asleep making him a folk hero to the left. 

Using a little boy to attack the President? What do you expect from people willing to use newborns to feed the Planned Parenthood beast?

They Applaud Themselves, But Not Stopping Infanticide

Oh, I know that flock of Democratic lawmakers looked sharp in their white duds.  But no amount of bleach in the world will remove the moral bloodstains that soak them to their skin. Only the ghoulish, only the cultish, would reject this plea from the president:

To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb. Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life.

Silence. The women struck a pose. (I was going to say “struck a pose like Madonna,” but even Madonna sang about “keeping my baby.”)

Sen. Kamala Harris tweeted in the midst of the speech:

Yet another progressive clapping in support of infanticide. 

How horrific is the Democrats’ emerging position on abortion — namely, up to the point the baby is out of the womb and the mother has decided to let it live? I don’t even have the heart to mock Harris’ use of emojis. (For a mind hardwired to write humor, that’s almost unheard of.) 

The Clear Decision

However, what we lose in comedy we make up for in clarity. The nation had on full display during the SOTU the two paths before us. 

This path of death. 

Or the path of life, where we “reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.”

And for all the polls and pundits weighing in on Trump’s speech, there’s only One whose opinion matters. He has seen a people at this fork in the road before. “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live…. ” (Deut 30:19 NRSV)

Oh, if only it were so simple as choosing a party or choosing a candidate or choosing whether to stand or sit, or choosing what color outfit to wear to the State of the Union or choosing what emojis to use in a tweet. 

Tuesday night offered the most fundamental choice of all. Life versus Death.

Tuesday night, the Democrats made their choice. 

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