Social Conservatism’s Big Week
While this week’s midterms saw sweeping victories for both conservative candidates and ballot initiatives nationwide, the big winners were religious liberty and family values. Two particular victories best illustrate this national shift in the electorate’s “tolerance” for “progressive” socio-political extremism.
First, voters flushed Houston’s anti-woman “HERO” ordinance. This radical “LGBT” policy would have, among other things, allowed sexually confused men in women’s public restrooms and showers, severely punishing anyone who tried to stop them.
Second, was the unexpected trouncing Kentucky businessman and outspoken Kim Davis supporter Matt Bevin laid on Democrat Attorney General Jack Conway in that state’s governor’s race.
While Houston’s bathroom bill was crushed by 62 to 38 percent, Bevin, who was behind in the polls all the way to the end, nonetheless handily beat Conway by 53 to 44 percent.
The Bathroom Bill
Houston, Texas, is anything if not “progressive.” After all, voters there have thrice elected a militant lesbian activist as that city’s chief executive. After Mayor Annise Parker’s misogynistic bathroom bill spiraled down the toilet bowl of life Tuesday, she angrily proclaimed, “No one’s rights should be subject to a popular vote!”
On this we agree, Ms. Annise. No woman, teenager or little girl should ever have her absolute right to safety and privacy subject to a popular vote. How dare you place women and children in danger and force your constituents to reaffirm this self-evident truth.
Women have a right not to be confronted in the shower by a naked, mentally ill man in lipstick. To say that he’s the “discriminated against” party epitomizes so much that is wrong with today’s America. All the foot stomping and “equal rights” propaganda in the world couldn’t block the people of Houston from protecting themselves, their wives and their daughters.
But we shouldn’t be surprised at Parker’s rage. HERO was her baby. You may recall that just last year, in an effort to bully them, she illegally subpoenaed the sermons and privileged communications of a number of Christian pastors who vocally opposed the bathroom bill, as well as having her city attorney, David Feldman, subvert Houston’s citizen petition process by illegally tossing out nearly three-quarters of the already validated petition signatures needed to put her utterly insane “gender neutral” ordinance up for a vote by the very people whose privacy it would sexually assault.
It took the Texas Supreme Court and the voters of Houston to set Ms. Parker straight.
Matt Bevin’s ‘Kim Davis effect’
Kentucky Gov.-elect Matt Bevin ran on a bold and unwavering conservative platform. While he won the election fair and square and is eminently qualified to serve as governor, both his supporters and detractors alike agree that it was his courageous public support of embattled Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis that tipped the scales. This support got out the evangelical vote and made a difference — big time.
After Kim Davis was thrown in jail by a rogue federal judge for refusing to waive her First Amendment rights and violate her conscience by signing her name to counterfeit “same-sex marriage” licenses, Bevin visited her in jail and publicly voiced his unequivocal support for both the institution of marriage and for Davis’ absolute right to defend it.
“The election was not even close,” said Mat Staver, Davis’ attorney and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “The lopsided victory for Matt Bevin stunned most political pundits. There is no question that the issue of religious freedom and same-sex marriage played a role in the results. The people favor traditional values and marriage, and they are tired of the political elites, represented by Governor Besmear, who are out of touch with ordinary citizens. We look forward to working with Governor-elect Matt Bevin to accommodate the religious convictions of Kim Davis and other Kentucky clerks. Finally, we will have common sense and the Constitution prevail in Kentucky,” concluded Staver.
And work together they shall. Bevin publicly announced Friday that he will exercise his legal authority as governor to ensure that Ms. Davis receives the accommodation she both deserves and the U.S. Constitution demands.
In short: Kim Davis wins. Bullies lose.
The Big Take Away
This midterm election proves, once more, that when social conservatives get out and vote en masse, both conservatism and family values prevail.
In Houston we saw a highly motivated group of Christian pastors lead their flock to the polls in unprecedented numbers. It took a perverted threat against their wives and daughters to spur it, but they stepped up and did it – and they are to be commended for doing so.
In Kentucky we saw the persecution of one woman inspire a Christian political outsider to take up her cause and stand firm in her defense. He will soon take over as governor and, rouge courts notwithstanding, guarantee that her right to freedom of conscience is protected.
This is Christian leadership in action. If we, the Christian faithful, wish to see an America that once again reflects our values and honors and glorifies the God of our creation, then we must take a stand. It is leading that makes a leader, and each and every Christian is empowered by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
A first step toward leadership is to exercise your Christian duty by showing up on election days and voting for men and women who hold to the objective truths found within the pages of God’s word.
The establishment, be it Democratic or Republican, is peddling a narrative that just doesn’t wash. Not only do the “social issues” matter; it is these issues that can drive conservative voters to the polls in greater numbers.
But, as they say, “This was just a midterm election.” It was a base hit. If we’re going to hit a grand slam in 2016, Christian voters must step to the plate once more. And then we have to swing for the bleachers.
Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).