Sight, a Film Based on the True Story of World-Famous Eye Surgeon Ming Wang, Releases May 24
A new historical drama releasing this Memorial Day weekend is based on the true story of Dr. Ming Wang, following the arc of his life as a young Chinese boy born into poverty to becoming a world-renowned eye surgeon in the U.S. Set in 1970s China as well as years later in the U.S., Sight alternates between the story of Wang growing up poor and Wang as an eye surgeon, helping the less fortunate regain their vision. It will release May 24 to theaters nationwide.
The film stars Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning Greg Kinnear (Little Miss Sunshine, As Good as It Gets) as Mischa Bartnovsky and Terry Chen (Almost Famous, Falling) as Ming Wang. The PG-13 movie (for violence and thematic material) has a run time of 1:41. Angel Studios, which produced Sound of Freedom, has acquired worldwide rights to the movie, according to a press release. Sight was written and directed by award-winning writer/director Andrew Hyatt (Paul, Apostle of Christ, The Frozen).
From the Past to the Present
Throughout the movie, Ming Wang struggles with his past and the loss of a young woman who meant a lot to him. As a young man in the 1970s, Wang was caught up against his will in the Cultural Revolution. During that time, the young woman was taken captive by radicals. Eventually, Ming and his family moved to the U.S., where he was able to attend Harvard and MIT for laser eye surgery. He and a partner went on to develop an innovative technology that has restored sight for millions of visually impaired people.
βRarely have we seen the strength and resolve of Chinese-Americans shown in a powerful way on the big screen,β Open River Entertainment producer David Fischer. βAfter spending years bringing Sight to life, Angel Studios is the perfect partner for audiences who want to be inspired by Dr. Wangβs story of hope, perseverance, and freedom.β
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The Stream’s Nancy Flory spoke with writer and director Andrew Hyatt about the film. Hyatt said he loved the story because at its core, it’s that of an immigrant who expressed a deep desire to come to America and succeed. “The American Dream still feels so relevant today,” he said. It is also exciting because it represents the Chinese people in a way that has not yet been done on film. He hopes that by seeing the movie, others like Ming would come forward to tell their stories.
Hyatt wants the audience to leave the theater encouraged and inspired to use their gifts and skills for the benefit of others. He wants them to say, “‘Hey, you know what? It is gift and a privilege to be in this great country and to be able to have the opportunities we have.’ Or leave with a sense of, ‘I’ve got my own gifts and talents and skills that I could be using more to help others around me.’ [Y]ou know, bringing that light into the darkness around you. … Inspiring people to bring light into their own little corners of the universe, wherever they’re at.”
Watch the trailer:
Nancy Flory, Ph.D., is a senior editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.