She Follows Me

By James Robison Published on April 1, 2017

Princess likes to follow me everywhere I go. If I sit down, she stares at me or jumps up on my lap, either looking into my eyes or curling up in the cradle of my arm. Sometimes she obviously wants to play with one of her squeaky toys or plead for a treat. Other times it is as if she is wondering what I am thinking or doing. She seems to ask, “Where are you going?” Whatever my plans, she does not want to miss out.

One day as I pondered her actions, I wondered if God notices our interest in what He is doing or what He desires to do — and if He’s pleased that we are keeping a close eye on Him. I often realize I am not giving much attention to what He is doing. I am too much in my own world to consider His movements and actions. I find more joy, peace and fulfillment when I focus on God, rather than myself, and truly seek with all my heart to follow Him. Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19, NASB). In other words, when we are actually following Him, we will notice others and reach out to them with love and concern. We will be a part of the net bringing in the harvest for His glory. In more than fifty years of personal and public ministry, I have seen the results of God-given concern for others. There is no end to the positive effect that broken hearts and true tears of concern can have. It really is the promise of God that they who go forth sowing and weeping will return bearing the good fruit of those tears and concern.

It is truly amazing what happens inside our hearts when we are vitally interested in Him and His will.

If I am looking at God, really watching Him and focusing on Him, I will rightly focus beyond my world and make a difference in someone else’s. If we follow Him, we will lose our lives in His purpose and actually find real meaning for ourselves and family. When we follow Him, we take up our cross daily, dying to fleshly and selfish desires. This is not a painful process if we are looking unto Jesus as “the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2, KJV).

It is truly amazing what happens inside our hearts when we are vitally interested in Him and His will. We can’t take our eyes off Jesus, because He is the greatest attraction on the planet! When He moves, we move. When He rests, we rest. If He’s excited, we’re excited. If He weeps, we weep. We become His eyes, His hands, and truly an expression of His heart. As we move together, we reveal His body in all its fullness and glory.


Excerpt from God of All Creation, Published by Water Brook Press, 2012.

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