See Every Tom Hanks Movie in 7 Minutes
Academy Award-winner shines in premiere of The Late, Late Show with James Corden
The Late, Late Show with James Corden premiered Monday night with a special treat featuring Tom Hanks.
The two-time Academy Award-winning actor joined Corden in hilariously acting out scenes from a host of Tom Hanks movies, from classics like Forrest Gump and Big to long-forgotten clunkers like The Money Pit and The ‘Burbs.
In addition to the silliness of seeing the British-born Corden portraying Daryl Hannah, Meg Ryan (three times) and a volleyball, the seven-minute segment is a stunning reminder of just how many wonderful movie moments Hanks has given us over the years.
The sketch ends with Hanks and Corden singing “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from the Toy Story series.
Certainly, movie-goers have had a friend in Tom Hanks.