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Secret Video Exposes Dems Telling Union Leaders to Lie About Gun Rights

Democratic pollster tells union leaders to lie to their members about candidates' gun policies.

By Nancy Flory Published on November 1, 2016

Watchdog organization Project Veritas Action released Monday another blockbuster secret video, this one exposing Democratic pollster Celinda Lake telling leaders of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) to lie to their members about a candidate’s views on the Second Amendment.

The video, released on Twitter and Facebook Monday, showed President of Lake Research Celinda Lake reviewing data she believed is cause for concern from the Democrats. Lake said that independent women were going into the undecided category, while independent men are going into the third-party category. “That’s who we got to go get,” she said. “We got to get them and we got to hold them.” She went on to say that although the Democratic candidates are pouring money into these categories of voters, they are “having a really, really hard time holding them.”

In explaining the importance of getting the vote, Lake told the union leaders, “We’re all excused from our day jobs right now, we have our partisan hats on,” and said that Democrats are several points behind Republicans on the economy and on jobs. “We’ve never won a presidential election, never in the history since we’ve done polling data, that we weren’t even on that,” said Lake. “We are in trouble.”

It was at this point that Lake praised the union leaders as “very trusted messengers,” and told them that while they wouldn’t lie about pensions and Wall Street, they could lie about “whether someone is really good on their guns or something like that, you might lie about.”

Project Veritas Action’s founder, James O’Keefe, has promised more videos exposing how far the Hillary campaign is willing to go to win the election.

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