Second Amendment Supporters Take on Anti-Gun Hashtag
Today, anti-gun groups around the country gathered under the banner of “Whatever it Takes.” With the #WhateverItTakes hashtag spreading across Twitter, supporters of our Constitutional right to bear arms wanted to make sure they were heard, too.
Here are some of the tweets supporting guns. As you might expect, several of the bestย came from the NRA and NRA-ILA:
Criminals will always do #WhateverItTakes to carry out criminal activity โ laws or no laws #gunsense
— NRA-ILA (@NRAILA) September 10, 2015
If the goal is to reduce #crime in America… #WhateverItTakes
— NRA (@NRA) September 10, 2015
We'll do #WhateverItTakes to protect the #2A!
— NRA (@NRA) September 10, 2015
Prominent gun-rights activists were busy on social media, too:
As a mom, I want to do #WhateverItTakes to protect myself and my family: #2A
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 10, 2015
I asked Gov. McAuliffe if his security guard was armed, he said "yes" #gunsense #WhateverItTakes
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 10, 2015
#WhateverItTakes to amass a gun collection like this! #2A
— Gun Owners of America (@GunOwners) September 10, 2015