Scientist Suggests Imprisoning Former Canadian PM for Anti-Global Warming Views

By Published on February 4, 2016

Aged Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki said that Canada’s former Prime Minister Stephen Harper should be imprisoned for his “willful blindness” regarding man-made global warming, in an interview with Rolling Stone published Tuesday.

“It’s a huge thing! We’ve had 10 years of a government that was so oppressive regarding environmental issues. We had to really carefully control what we said and had to worry about literally being called ‘enemies of Canada,” Suzuki told Rolling Stone about Canada’s former conservative prime minister.

But, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Now that Suzuki recognizes current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a fellow liberal environmentalist — he’s more than willing to deem the anti-global warming Harper an enemy of the state.

“I really believe that people like the former Prime Minister of Canada should be thrown in jail for willful blindness,” Suzuki said about Harper’s viewpoints, adding, “If you’re the CEO of a company and you deliberately avoid or ignore information relevant to the functioning of that company, you can be thrown in jail … ”

The geneticist continued: “And to have a Prime Minister who for nine years wouldn’t even let the term ‘climate change’ pass his lips! If that isn’t willful blindness, then I don’t know what is.”

This is not the first time Suzuki has suggested tossing Harper in the hoosegow.

In a speech at McGill University in 2008, Suzuki admonished the powers-at-be to imprison both Harper and then Alberta premier Ed Stelmach.

“What I would challenge you to do,” Suzuki told attendees of a Montreal conference in 2008, “is to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there’s a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail, because what they’re doing is a criminal act.”

Trudeau promised last year he would head into the climate summit in Paris with a “Canadian approach” to global warming, one that exhibits the “shared values and shared desires for outcomes and different approaches to achieve those outcomes” across Canada.

Though the angelic-looking Canadian prime minister has put an onus on climate issues, he has yet to hammer out a concrete policy confronting global warming.

The Alberta government announced last year, in November, it would introduce a cap-and-trade-style system across the board, which would eventually kick in at $30 per tone price on carbon emissions.

“ … I was going to book a one-way ticket to Mars if Harper was re-elected,” Suzuki told Rolling Stones.


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