Russell Moore Blocked, Unblocked on Facebook after Validating Sting Video of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts
Russell Moore asked the social media giant, 'What is 'abusive' about protesting Planned Parenthood's human trafficking?" His post has now been restored.

Dr. Russell Moore’s tweet to Facebook, which he copied onto his Facebook page
Dr. Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention challenged Facebook after the social media service blocked his column about a story and sting video about Planned Parenthood illegally trafficking aborted fetal parts.
Moore wrote earlier today about his vetting the new sting video released this morning by the Center for Medical Progress (after a three-year investigative journalism study) which appears to show Planned Parenthood colluding to sell baby body parts — especially infant livers.
The post was initially blocked by Facebook but now has been restored. It may have been blocked initially because a large number of people marked the Facebook post as offensive. Some of these may have been Planned Parenthood defenders, but some may have been people responding to Planned Parenthood’s alleged behavior, not realizing the large number of people tagging the post as offensive could get it pulled.
We have posted a screenshot of Dr. Moore’s Facebook page and also some of the tweets he sent to legislative leaders urging them to act immediately on this gruesome scandal.
You can read Dr. Moore’s original blog post from this morning here and The Stream‘s summary on the breaking story (including the embedded video) here.