Run Kamala, Run!

By John Zmirak Published on July 22, 2024

So Joe Biden’s out. I’m disappointed, of course, but not for the cynical reasons you might suspect.

Biden was the perfect representative of post-Christian America: Addled, petulant, haughty, corrupt to the core, but still wedded to bits and scraps of the culture we once enjoyed. He claims to still pray the rosary and still attends Catholic services where cynical, faithless priests still give him Holy Communion, despite his fierce support for abortion up through birth. He claimed to be a moderate who spoke for the common man, but stuffed his administration with cross-dressers and bondage-obsessed Satanists. 

Biden spent years in the Senate gladhanding with old-line segregationists who filibustered the Civil Rights Bill and warned that integrated public schools were “jungles.” Without skipping a beat, Biden reinvented himself as the champion of the black man, pretending that he ran for president out of outrage over things which he pretended Donald Trump had said about a racial incident in Charlottesville, Virginia.

What can you say about a man who pretends that his son died in combat, who calls the crack addict wastrel Hunter “the smartest man I know,” who snarls at blue-collar voters, “I don’t work for you”? He embodies all that’s truly worst about us, which we’re unwilling to change. He’s the Picture of Dorian Gray, becoming ever more visibly decrepit to reflect the state of his voters’ souls. He’s a mirror we put in the closet because it reminds us how out of shape we are.

No wonder the Democrats’ billionaires and message masseurs decided to move Joe out of the living room. They will spend the next few days rewarding him for finally obeying orders, praising his “legacy” in lovingly worded statements that sound completely insincere. Then they will forget him, as they forgot all the seniors blue state governors sentenced to death by COVID, dumping virus patients in their nursing homes to spike the death statistics and justify fraud-prone mail-in balloting. Don’t expect the Party of Partial-Birth Abortion to get all sentimental now. 

A Trump-Harris Race Will Be Better for America 

I wrote the following a few weeks ago in a column that never appeared:

The Former Joe Biden is a mere shell of the unprincipled, casually racist, money-grubbing hack he once was. If Democrats can’t jettison him from their ticket, then Trump will almost certainly win the election.

But what would have won, and what would have lost? Conservative principles wouldn’t have defeated leftist madness. The conscious, functioning, fully alive candidate would have defeated a shambling shell of a candidate. Trump would have credited that victory entirely to his personal superiority as a leader over Biden β€” which is hardly something to brag about, but be confident: Trump would have.

Kamala Harris will speak coherently, if not cogently. She will string together New Age slogans around far-left talking points, and voters will have to decide whether they want open borders, child castration, Internet censorship, election fraud, and the FBI persecuting Christians, or not. Instead of debating the very articulate and collected J.D. Vance on the vice presidential stage, she could very well be debating Trump himself in the next few weeks.

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Trump will have to attack Harris on actual issues instead of simply pointing at Biden every time he makes some gaffe and nodding his head sarcastically. And if Trump wins, as I think he still will, those issues will have more power. Trump will have to stop sliding to the squishy corporate Center and address the countless ways in which the Left imperils America. He might have to stop describing mainstream conservative ideas and policy proposals as “extremist,” and pandering to every celebrity who says something nice about him. 

Because he knows we’re terrified of the Antifa/BLM/open borders/pro-Hamas Left, Trump has been treating us on the Christian right like we’re some terrified white-collar prison inmate who’s desperate for protection from the MS-13 predators in the next cell block. Now that might have to change, since Trump will need to run on the actual issues. If that happens, he might well win a genuine mandate. And once he was in office, real conservatives and Christians would share part of that mandate instead of shining his shoes and begging for cigarettes during our stint in the exercise yard.

So let’s root for Kamala to secure the nomination, and get ready to “burden what can be” with “what has been” all the way to November.


John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.

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