How Rubio Can Win
Tactless Advice from an Amateur for Each GOP Candidate (Part 4 of 6)
For Parts 1, 2, and 3, see here: How Kasich Can Win, How Ben Carson Can Win, and How Bush Can Win).
A lot of people like you. It happens almost automatically, when you smile and start to speak. You represent hope, change, and optimism in a year marked by fear and bitterness. You have many of the positive qualities that drove Barack Obama to a historic landslide victory, without his post-Marxist, anti-American ideology. In fact, you channel Reaganism really well.
It’s obvious why you have won over so many of the donors and endorsers whom Jeb Bush had been counting on, and whom he’s now trying to punish by battering you like a pinata. You’re right to ignore him. Assuming that Kasich doesn’t catch on — and in a year where Zika’s spreading, you never know — your fight is not for the middle. You have probably already collected most of the votes of people who are nostalgic for George W. Bush, but savvy enough to see that his brother would lose to a Clinton, as their dad did.
You need to fight for the right, and that means more than changing your rhetoric, as you have. To win away votes from Trump and Cruz — which is where most of the votes are, as Jeb seems not to have noticed — you have to address the deep concerns of people who want to like you, but don’t quite trust you. There are two areas you need to address, and one big advantage you can steal. Do these and you’ll have accomplished your critical task for winning:
First, there’s immigration. You can’t talk your way out of the anger that conservatives on this issue feel toward you. Phyllis Schlafly’s memo detailing your flip-flops was devastating enough, before National Review picked it up and shared it with the world. You have to do something serious to win back this ground. Here’s how: In your own blood, write the promise that you would do four things as president:
- Implement E-Verify, making it mandatory first for all state programs getting federal aid and all businesses with federal contracts, then requiring it for every business with more than 20 employees.
- Offer no “path” to legal residence or citizenship until the governors of five border states certify that illegal immigration is under control.
- Offset any amnesty by reductions in legal immigration — cutting the legal quota for a given country by TWO for each illegal alien from that country offered legal status or citizenship.
- Use biometrics to track any visitor to the U.S. who (like the 9/11 hijackers) overstays his visa, and deport him within 30 days.
Foreign Policy
Second, there’s foreign policy. It’s true that there are some Americans who still believe that we can promote democracy and engage in nation-building in the Islamic world. All those people are already voting for you, and they have nowhere else hopeful to go. It’s time for you to address those of us who still remember the Iraq War with bitterness, who worry that you plan to repeat the same catastrophe in Syria, and point to your support for Obama’s doomed intervention in Libya. People like that need to hear you renounce nation-building, and promise that you will only deploy American soldiers where America’s national interests are immediately threatened.
Furthermore, we want a concrete plan for protecting religious minorities in any countries where the U.S. intervenes — a plan that includes political autonomy and armed militias to protect Christians from intolerant Islamic “democracy” of the kind that came to power in Iraq and (briefly) in Egypt. Just this week, we learned from the hunted remaining Christians in U.S.-liberated Baghdad that Muslim militias are driving Christians from their homes. Why should Christian voters rally to a plan that would impose something similar on the million-plus Christians of Syria? Tell us something we can believe.
On the positive side, you have sterling pro-life credentials, which you polished brightly in the last GOP debate by taking a principled stand in defense of all innocent life. Now you need to go after Donald Trump, by asking your fellow pro-life senators to sign a pledge that they will filibuster and refuse to confirm any Supreme Court nominee who does not favor overturning Roe v. Wade. Then remind people, again and again, of Trump’s talk of nominating his sister, a liberal activist judge who favors partial birth abortion. Say that you’d be willing to leave seats on the Court unfilled, if pro-abortion senators refuse to confirm your nominees. This is the kind of toughness in defense of the vulnerable which the prolife movement has sought, mostly in vain, since 1973. You might just be the guy to bring it.