Rubio Announces ‘Dignity of Life’ Advisory Board

By Published on January 20, 2016

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio announced this morning the formation of a Dignity of Life Advisory Board, experts equally dedicated to “upholding the fundamental principle that every life has inherent dignity as a unique being created in the Image of God.”

The Dignity of Life Advisory Board includes a cross-section of Catholics and Protestants, and church and para-church leaders, among them Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Dr. George O. Wood of the Assemblies of God; And Then There Were None founder Abby Johnson; Students for Life president Kristan Hawkins, Steve Aden from Alliance Defending Freedom and Ravi Zacharias.

“The unjust termination of the unborn is the social justice issue of our time,” said Eric Teetsel, Rubio’s Director of Faith Outreach. “Abortion is symptomatic of a culture that devalues all human life. Marco respects the dignity of human life, including the lives of women facing the crisis of unplanned pregnancy, the jobless, mentally ill, disabled, elderly, and all others on the margins of society.”

Sen. Rubio’s faith was on display Monday when confronted by an atheist accusing Rubio of sounding like he was running for “Pastor-in-Chief” rather than “Commander-in-Chief.” Rubio countered that atheists should “hope my faith influences me, and here’s why”:

You know what my faith teaches me? My faith teaches me that I have an obligation to care for the less fortunate. My faith teaches me that I have an obligation to love my neighbor. My faith teaches me that I have an obligation for those who are hungry to help try to feed them; for those that are naked, to help clothe them,” Rubio said. “My faith teaches me that I have an obligation that I need to minister to those in prison. My faith teaches me that I have an obligation that if I want to serve Jesus that I have to serve [others]. I think you should hope that influences me.

Watch the fascinating exchange:



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