Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Calls for Holistic Pro-Life Action Following the SCOTUS Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
“Sammy [Rodriguez] says he is one of my spiritual sons and I’m glad to claim him. I agree 100% with every word he shares here. May all those who know Christ join together expressing God’s love just as he challenges us to.” — James Robison, founder of The Stream.
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez is the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and the Hispanic Evangelical Association. Following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Rev. Rodriguez issued a statement calling for holistic pro-life action:
This long, dark night officially comes to an end. The unconscionable injustice of extreme abortion policies — aligning the U.S. with countries like North Korea and China is over. Praise God. We must now put the same energy into demonstrating mercy and compassion as we have our activism.
Now is the time for people of God to step up, proving they are comprehensively pro-life and pro-woman from the womb to the tomb, with not only rhetoric but actions that dignify, care for and protect the lives of mothers, children and families. We must be the hands and feet.
Now is the time to unleash the greatest adoption movement in American history. Now is the time to come alongside women making difficult decisions and provide the necessary spiritual, emotional, relational and economic support to undergird the continuum of life designed by God for all his children.
The Church must come alongside mothers and provide the necessary economic support that government cannot provide. If we are celebrating this victory, we must likewise double down in providing services of compassion and outreach and support for the mother and the child not just in the womb, but after a baby is born. This is one of the many reasons we are seeing Latinos and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party en masse. We are pro-life.