Regardless of Who Wins the Election, You Must Hear This

By James Robison Published on November 2, 2020

Regardless of who wins this presidential election, I know that only God and His people can secure the future of faith, family, and freedom, allowing us to reap the fruitfulness and unmatched blessings it offers.

This election is very important — perhaps the most important in my 77 years. If voters understand how precious freedom is — both personally and nationally — freedom can win an extension.

But all with ears to hear must hear this. Satan — the deceiver, divider, and destroyer — will not step back, let up, or be distracted from his mission. He will settle for nothing short of total domination and control. He is forever committed along with every fallen angel — demonic spirits thrown out of heaven — for his rebellion and determination to be like God, apart from God, without God. In his list of arrogant “I wills,” he made it clear, “I will do everything without God and I will become God.” Lucifer will never forsake his deadly intentions.

We have been chosen by God as His children to oversee His garden – planet earth – and steward His amazing gifts.

The manifestations of hate, dissension, and destruction we have witnessed and will continue to witness are evidence of the enemy’s nature. Satan is determined to fight God’s will. He works endlessly to destroy and conquer as though he is God. Any substitute for trusting in God as the trustworthy source and living in harmony with His will are part of Satan’s dominion.

An election can slow the assault and give us time and opportunity to see the power our founders referred to as “Divine Providence” working in the lives of those who desire the best for themselves and others. But there is only one Father who knows best, knows how to present it, effectively preserves it, and protects it for the benefit for all He loves and gave His Son to redeem. There is one force and one source of power that can overcome and defeat the deceiver’s destructive intentions. That source is God’s family — His church, the body of Christ — against which “the gates of hell cannot prevail.”

Stewards of God’s Garden

We have been chosen by God as His children to oversee His garden — planet earth — and steward His amazing gifts. We are called as representatives of the King, living for Him and His kingdom that has come and resides in us. Those born from above have become members of His body, the church, to oversee, protect, care for, and live in fruitfulness through the fullness of His Spirit, power, love, and transforming truth. All the miraculous, positive, life-giving moments and movements throughout history, including the birth of our nation, are the result of awakened, set-apart, totally-committed believers determined not to let Satan rule on our watch. It is God’s will being done that destroys Satan’s deception, damage, and freedom-destroying purpose. Satan is not entitled to rule, deceive, distract, or destroy God’s kingdom purpose in the life of any believer.

I am praying freedom and all that pertains to life and godliness will win in this election. But regardless of who wins, Satan the deceiver and destroyer will not retreat; and the church, freedom’s only certain hope, must arise and shine with the glory of the Lord on us all. We must begin walking over the deceiver’s deadly intentions and never back up. Not for one moment!

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If we will “lose our life to find it in His kingdom purpose,” we can experience the greatest awakening and outpouring of love, compassion, and transforming truth the world has ever seen. Jesus will be lifted up so clearly that all who want real life will be drawn to Him as He is revealed through His Spirit-filled body — the church. And never doubt this: The Lord is coming for an overcoming bride that looks like Him, “adorned in His glory.” The Lord our Savior, King of kings, Lord of lords, is worthy of a bride that looks like Him. Together we will forever enjoy life in the kingdom to come in which there is no deception, disease, death, or destruction. There will be no darkness, as the Son will be the light that never fades. It is this light in us as believers that will help lead people out of prevailing darkness. This light is revealed to those who lose their lives in His kingdom purpose. We can experience it right here, now, and forever.

God’s Kingdom is at Hand

Remember, Jesus said in one of His first messages, “The kingdom is at hand.” He made clear it is in us. He taught us in Matthew 6 to pray, “Thy kingdom come.” Well, it has and it is “in us.” Therefore, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” which means it is important and His will can be done on earth. It is done through His body, the church, the only power that can prevent the gates of hell and those destructive forces from prevailing because of the faithful lives and oversight of Spirit-filled believers who are uniquely designed and diverse as supernaturally anointed members of His body. Through a spiritual rebirth, we can prevail over the deceiver’s attempts to rule God’s garden. It is possible for every person to be adopted into the family of the perfect Father. At this moment, the church must stand more determined than ever to see God’s will done on earth.

As a fatherless boy who met the perfect Father that everyone can know through faith in Christ, I’ve seen God’s will done in marriages, families, children, and their spouses, and now grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. I have witnessed God’s will fulfilled in communities, cities, states, and many times in our own great nation, as well as bright spots around the world. When we truly love one another, we demonstrate it by caring for the “least of these” (those often overlooked) and by serving God as we serve others, sharing life in word and deed.

His love is manifest as we reach out to widows, orphans, those defeated and trafficked. We show His tenderness when we notice those who suffer, help bind up the broken, forgive those who trespass, stand boldly for truth, defend and enforce good laws, punish the law-breakers, rightly deal with thieves and trespassers. In these actions, God’s will is being done on earth. Allow Him to open eyes blinded by fear, cowardice, unbelief, doubt, restoring all to His fullness, power, and fruitfulness — and then we will witness God’s blessings on earth and His will being done through us for the glory of God and His kingdom purpose.


James Robison is The Stream’s founder and publisher. He is co-founder of LIFE Outreach International and co-host of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed.

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