Public Figures Hold Fast to COVID Narrative — It’s Time to Flip the Script

By Annemarie McLean Published on February 9, 2022

On January 11, 2022, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced on Twitter that she tested positive for COVID-19 despite being vaccinated and boosted against the virus. In her tweet, she shared that she was experiencing cold-like symptoms but otherwise felt fine, which she credited “to being vaccinated and boosted.”

Lightfoot, who was publicly vaccinated the same month she tested positive, went on to say, “This is an urgent reminder for folks to get vaccinated and boosted as it’s the only way to beat this pandemic.” While Lightfoot’s “only way” phrase should raise eyebrows for all the freethinkers out there, her statement is nothing out of the ordinary. And that’s the point!

Even though she was double-vaxxed, boosted, yet still got sick, her “Just Keep Vaccinating” narrative is nonetheless widely accepted.

The Vaxxed, Boosted and COVID-Positive Club

The mayor of Chicago is far from alone in her messaging. Since the start of 2022, an emerging group of government officials, celebrities, talk show hosts and journalists have echoed the same message. By default, these public figures found themselves initiated into the “Double Vaxxed, Boosted and COVID-Positive Club” — meaning for them, initiation comes with announcement. The announcements are uncanny in their similarity — as if all of them read off the same script, with extraordinarily little, if any, deviation.

They seem unsurprised, even resigned, to becoming sick with COVID post-vaccine. They then credit the shot for not making them sicker.

That’s where it gets weird. Instead of using their positions of power and influence to question what should be interpreted as personally disappointing outcomes, by all appearances they seem unsurprised, even resigned, to becoming sick with COVID post-vaccine. They then credit the shot for not making them sicker. Did they find solace in the CDC’s recent rewrite of the definition of “vaccination”? As good soldiers under the Fauci & Co. regime, had they simply accepted their fate as drafted mouthpieces to keep a narrative — beleaguered by mediocre results and far too many serious adverse events — from sinking all on its own? Or could it be something far scarier: They actually believed what they were saying.

Gratitude for an Ineffective Vaccine

Consider New Jersey Senator Cory Booker who tested positive amid the nationwide surge in cases in December. He said, “I am beyond grateful to have received two doses of vaccine and more recently, a booster. I’m certain without them, I’d be doing much worse.”

Fellow Senator Elizabeth Warren also tested positive that day and sent the same message via Twitter: “I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case. Thankfully, I am only experiencing mild symptoms & am grateful for the protection provided against serious illness that comes from being vaccinated & boosted.”

The United States military is no different. Like the hypnotic beating of a war drum bidding all to fall in step with its time, Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate forced compliance and unilaterally vaccinated the entire force, save a small minority who face discharge for their noncompliance. Forget that three of the military’s own doctors are sounding the alarm over skyrocketing reports of vaccine adverse events. The alarming data has had no effect on both Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, both of whom joined the “Double Vaxxed, Boosted and COVID-Positive Club” last month.

Predictably towing the company line, Secretary Austin attributed his less severe case to being vaccinated and boosted. “I am grateful,” he said at the time, adding that vaccines are a requirement for the military. “The vaccines work.” Unfortunately, Austin’s emphatic “Vaccines Work” statement translates to little more than a diluted public service indoctrination announcement set against the glaring backdrop of the news of his positive diagnosis.

Parroting Platitudes

Other public figures like U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a pathos appeal for vaccination that accompanied her Triple-Vaxxed and COVID-Positive story. After saying, “Covid was no joke,” she added, “While some of these recommendations are good –– like getting a vaccine + wearing masks where appropriate, the motivations for them shouldn’t just be selfish, it should also be because we actually give a d*** about other people –– our disabled neighbors, our co-workers who haven’t said (and shouldn’t feel obligated to say) they’re immunocompromised, etc.”

Is AOC schooling us average Americans on common courtesy, as if most of us would purposely put our neighbors at risk? In the New World Order of COVID Rules, common sense has left the building. Adages like “If you’re sick, stay home” have been subjugated to the fringes of society along with all the other anti-vaxxers. This too is a travesty considering that most of the noncompliant hordes are, in fact, vaccinated against diseases like measles and polio.

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This truth is lost on an overwhelming swath of public personas who simply can’t stop talking about how mildly sick they are. Do we not find this bizarre? They continue to parrot one another in five-words-or-less platitudes meant to drive the shot holdouts crazy until they cave. From COVID-positive Broadway star Aaron Tveit urging everyone to “stay safe and get jabbed” to COVID-positive Academy Award-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o using the hashtag #StayMaskedAndVaxxed in her January 4 tweet, it’s a one-note-song: I’m vaxxed. I’m boosted. I’m COVID-positive, but I’m OK because I’m vaxxed and boosted.

It’s Time to Flip the Script

Omicron leveled the playing field between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. VAERS reports alone justify hesitancy. White House chief medical adviser Anthony S. Fauci said during a National Institutes of Health lecture, “We’re using the terminology now ‘keeping your vaccinations up to date,’ rather than what ‘fully vaccinated’ means.” Will the boosters ever end? And we still don’t know about the long-term health ramifications of mRNA shots on our kids. Even Mayo Clinic admits this: “Because COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials only started in the summer of 2020, it’s not yet clear if the vaccines will have long-term effects.”

It is time to flip the script. If you are one of millions of unvaccinated Americans who beat COVID the natural way, tell your story as loudly as the unapologetic “microphone” crowd proud of only getting “mildly sick” despite being vaccinated three times in little more than 12 months. How many millions of unvaccinated Americans were just “mildly sick” with COVID? Whether you’re an unvaccinated 76-year-old grandmother of 12 who made it back to Zumba class post-Omicron or an unvaccinated college student sick of wearing a mask knowing you have natural immunity, throw off the stigma of conquering COVID without a vaccine.

And start a new narrative that can’t be shut up.


Annemarie McLean is a writer for Liberty Counsel, a nationwide public interest civil liberties law firm committed to restoring the culture, advancing religious freedom, protecting the unborn, and strengthening the family. In 2012, she founded 3D Missions, an international outreach taking the Gospel to the nations through the performing arts, and co-founded Brave & Beautiful, a platform empowering young women to live, love, and lead courageously. She holds a journalism degree from Oral Roberts University, with post-graduate work in organizational leadership at Palm Beach Atlantic University.

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