It’s a Progressive Disease

By Ken Blackwell Published on July 2, 2015

Do you feel like America has gone crazy?

The Supreme Court’s outrageous decisions in the Obamacare and same-sex marriage cases, in which the Court simply ignored the plain meanings of words and the Constitution, and thumbed its nose at the most basic facts of life, are only the latest examples of our nation turning its back on truth and common sense.

Under the influence of “progressive” fanatics, we’re suffering from a progressive pathology that’s tearing our nation apart.

In their quest to redefine “normal,” they are tearing up America’s morality by the roots. They’re forcing America to abandon God’s standards of right and wrong, and in consequence our society is becoming increasingly unmoored from reality.

The Progressive War on Truth 

When did lying become accepted practice in public life? Not too long after kids started coming home from college — and high school — prattling about “my truth” and “your truth.”

Truth is, by definition, objective and universal. Rejecting this fundamental principle leads people to do “what is right in their own eyes,” as the Bible puts it, and enables them to play fast and loose with the rules.

Craig Livingstone, a Clinton appointee who illegally obtained FBI files on Republicans during the Clinton administration’s “File-gate” scandal, reportedly told a colleague, “Haven’t you heard? Truth is whatever you want it to be.”

The Clintons didn’t invent political lying, but they surely brought it to new lows. Nevertheless, there was still some expectation back in the ‘90s that politicians ought to tell the truth.

Not so much nowadays. The nation placidly goes about its business as revelations emerge about the Obama administration lying continuously, almost compulsively, about virtually anything, in pursuit of political advantage. Here is a handful of examples that represent the Obama administration’s line on many of the leading public policy issues:

  • The Benghazi massacre was a spontaneous event triggered by an obscure video, not a carefully planned Muslim terrorist attack of which we had advance warning.
  • If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
  • “Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”
  • The fence between the U.S. and Mexico is “practically complete.”
  • Common sense voter ID laws constitute “suppression” of minority voters.

It’s clear that the present administration views lying as an essential hammer in their political tool chest.

The Progressive War on Reality

The war on truth is rapidly devolving into a war on reality itself. Perhaps it’s inevitable that when you abandon the plain black and white of truth and falsehood, you lose the ability to discern what is real and what is not. Never have I seen an administration pursue so many policies that fly in the face of common sense, and even demand that we deny reality that’s as plain as the nose on your face:

  • The Fort Hood massacre was “workplace violence,” not Muslim terrorism.
  • We offend our allies deliberately, and kowtow to enemies who intend to destroy us. President Obama just announced that families of hostages will no longer be prosecuted for paying ransom, increasing the odds that more Americans will be kidnapped by terrorists.
  • We help Iran obtain nuclear weapons, putting Israel and the rest of the world at risk.
  • We withdraw prematurely from Iran and Afghanistan, effectively giving those countries back to the Muslim jihadists.
  • We protect Muslims around the world, while allowing Muslims to slaughter Christians throughout the Islamic world.
  • At home, police are vilified, and criminals are exalted.
  • The government spending spree continues, even as our towering debt promises to deliver us into fiscal Armageddon. Social Security Disability is about to go broke, and Medicare and Social Security are not far behind.
  • We pander to troubled people trying to change their sex through hormones and mutilating surgery. In reality, transgender “women” are still men, and “men” are still women. At best, sex reassignment surgery turns men into eunuchs, and women into God knows what. Facebook now recognizes more than 50 “genders,” as if people can declare their sex to be whatever they imagine.
  • We virtually eliminate our southern border, handcuff our border agents, and actively foster illegal immigration, when the nation is facing suffocating unemployment. Illegals have become a de facto protected class.
  • And we lie about unemployment statistics, concealing half or more of the actual unemployment.

The Progressive War on Resisters

You’d better think twice before you tell the truth about the emperor’s new clothes. Progressives are using the power of government to force society to go along with the insanity.

This goes on wherever progressives hold power. Politically correct speech codes have been enforced on American college campuses for decades, where conservative and Christian students and faculty are routinely discriminated against and decried as “haters.”

Now that progressives have taken over broad swaths of federal and state government, they have greatly enhanced power to enforce their will. Bakers and florists who refuse to participate in same-sex ceremonies are driven out of business, despite the First Amendment’s guarantee of free exercise of religion.

Religious liberty is under assault in America. People who espouse Judeo-Christian values are being denied entry into graduate schools and driven from their jobs. Just ask Wes Modder, the chaplain who recently was kicked out of the Navy for telling counselees the truth about what the Bible teaches about sexuality, including homosexual behavior.

Traditional American religion — Judeo-Christian values and practice — is the ultimate target of the progressives, who must uproot our moral structure and redefine good and evil before they can create their secular utopia.

God says, “Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good” (Isaiah 5:20).

That’s exactly where the progressives are leading America. People who still have a grip on reality need to band together and fight back.


Kenneth Blackwell is a Senior Fellow with the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) and former Ohio Secretary of State.


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