Hey ‘Pro-Choicers,’ Drop the Euphemisms. You Champion Live Dismemberment of Humans
Moral clarity alert. The kid gloves are off. Time for some serious soul searching.
You proponents of the torturous live-dismemberment of children in the womb, just knock it off already. Your pro-abortion euphemisms — “pro-choice,” “reproductive freedom,” “women’s rights” and other such propagandist nonsense — have run their shameful course. As you regressive “progressives” like to say, “The science is settled.” Pre-born babies are objectively and empirically distinct persons with emotions, autonomy (though in a dependent stage of human development, not unlike post-birth babies) and the unalienable human rights intrinsic to all human beings.
Watch this amazing ultrasound video posted on the “Meddy Bear” Facebook page. Absent some deeply-rooted and pathological ability to rationalize (a disturbing hallmark of the moral-relativist cultural and spiritual phenomenon), you will be left no other “choice” than to admit that the “pro-choice” myth is as dead as the death it represents.
Simply breathtaking. As would you if, God forbid, you were captured and tortured to death by Islamic State radicals, these busy little babies, too, feel immense physical pain and terror when their arms, legs and heads are ripped off by “pro-choice” extremists.
Every human being, born or yet born, is a precious individual of incalculable import, created in the image and likeness of a holy God, no less valuable and worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness than you or I.
The Shared Delusion of Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade
Despite the Supreme Court’s tortured reasoning in its scandalous Dred Scott decision, blacks were never really “three-fifths” persons, but, rather are and always will be precious whole persons worthy of dignity and respect. So, too — and likewise, despite the high court’s equally tortured and shameful reasoning in Roe v. Wade — pre-born babies are precious whole persons worthy of dignity and respect.
Merriam Webster defines “homicide” as “a killing of one human being by another.” Moms, when you put a contract on the life of your child at the hands of Planned Parenthood assassins, you are, without any question, committing a homicide to accommodate selfish wants or ill-informed fears (the latest studies show that abortion is rarely, if ever, necessary to save the life of the mother).
Adoption equals life. Abortion equals death. Full stop.
If you have committed this horrible sin — this crime against God and your dead child — then know this: There is forgiveness available in and through the person of Christ Jesus alone. Ask and you will be forgiven. If, after watching this video, you are hurting with the knowledge of this horrible thing you have done, cry out to Jesus. No one else can absolve you of this crime or better comfort you in your grief.
A Dedicated “Pro-Choicer” Comes Clean About the Blood on Her Hands
I so appreciated a few years back when, in a jaw-dropping article titled, “So what if abortion ends life?” Salon staff writer Mary Elizabeth Williams, a mainstream if uncharacteristically honest pro-abort activist, inexplicably broke from the Orwellian left’s ministerial “pro-choice” script. In so doing, she severely undermined the very cause for which she admitted she would gladly “sacrifice” (that is, murder) her very own daughter — a daughter, mind you, she coldly acknowledged to be “a human life.”
“I know that throughout my own pregnancies, I never wavered for a moment in the belief that I was carrying a human life inside of me,” she wrote. “I believe that’s what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn’t make me one iota less solidly pro-choice,” she declares. (I wonder how many of the Williams kids survived mom’s “choice.”)
Disturbing though this rhetoric may be, Williams punctuates her cold indifference to human life and equality with the money line: “Here’s the complicated reality in which we live. All life is not equal.”
Get that, Thomas Jefferson? “All life is not equal.” Put that in your self-evident-truth-pipe and smoke it. We clear, MLK? Wrap that “I have a dream” up in a big “All life is not equal” blanket.
“Yet a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides,” Williams asserts. “She’s the boss. Her life and what is right for her circumstances and her health should automatically trump the rights of the non-autonomous entity inside of her. Always.”
“If by some random fluke I learned today I was pregnant,” concludes Williams, “you bet you’re a** I’d have an abortion. I’d have the World’s Greatest Abortion. … I still need to acknowledge my conviction that the fetus is indeed a life. A life worth sacrificing.”
Thank you for your honesty, Ms. Williams. You’re godless and callous, but thank you for your candor nonetheless. This is what it means to be “pro-choice,” even though, in truth, there is only pro-life or pro-death.
Which are you? Be honest with yourself. Watch the above video once more, and then exercise your only legitimate choice. Choose life.
Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com and author of Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity. He retired as an undefeated heavyweight boxer and now is a columnist, cultural analyst and attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Follow Matt on Twitter.