Pride: The Root of Sexual Abuse

Faith Hakesley writes at “Ask a Survivor”:
When people ask me why I think the clerical abuse scandal has gone on as long as it has and continues to unfold, I respond by saying that there are many reasons. However, I believe that pride is at the root of it.
Before we continue, some of you might be quick to assume that I am “pointing fingers” at priests and singling out clerical abuse. Speaking as a practicing Catholic who is also a survivor of clerical abuse, I believe that we should be able to expect more from our spiritual leaders. Also, most of us recognize that sexual abuse is a pervasive problem in our culture.
We all see the damage done by authority figures (including spiritual leaders) abusing their power. Clerical abuse needs to be addressed because we can never become complacent when anyone’s physical, emotional, and spiritual safety are at risk. If we are in earnest about “cleaning house,” we would do well to engage in the battle at hand. It’s all boots on the ground!
U.N. Negotiator Defends Families
Austin Ruse is president of The Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam), a research institute in Special Consultative Status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council. C-Fam has played a central role in blocking a global right to abortion and blocking sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) from becoming a new category of non-discrimination in international law.
“There are negotiations going on every working day at the U.N. in which the sexual left is trying to impose the sexual revolution on the whole world,” Ruse said.
“We participate in the efforts to block an international right to abortion and a redefinition of the family. There is even a good definition of gender in international law, which we helped negotiate.” But, of course, the other side keeps trying to push back against that definition.
Learn more about that as well as what goes on at the United Nations that every pro-lifer needs to know by watching this video with your fellow Ruth Institute fans on Locals, or on Rumble or YouTube.
New Ruth Institute E-book Protects Families from Gay Myths
The Ruth Institute recently released a new e-book: Protecting Your Family from the Top 5 Gay Myths. Author Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., founder and president of the Ruth Institute, said,
This e-book will empower parents and grandparents to protect their loved ones.
The LGBTQ lobby tries to convince us that people are ‘born gay.’ This robs same sex attracted people of hope that their patterns of thoughts and feelings can ever change. And it intimidates parents into silence by persuading them that any resistance on their part will harm their child.
The LGBTQ ideology relies on ignorance, carefully cultivated deceptions, and half-truths.
The e-book includes in-depth analyses of these common myths: Sexual orientation can be easily and scientifically defined — People are born either gay or straight — No one can change his or her sexual orientation — The attempt to change orientation can be harmful — and LGBTQ people experience mental health issues because society discriminates against them.
This e-book contains personal testimonies of LGBT lifestyle recovery, which is otherwise hard to find. The mainstream media won’t provide it. Nor will such truths be allowed in public schools and libraries. Even internet debates are heavily censored.
For those who want the truth, Protecting Your Family from the Top 5 Gay Myths is available for free. We encourage readers interested in a healthy dose of non-woke reality to read it and share it with their family and friends.
International Jurists Seek to Legitimize Pedophilia
“With the support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Commission of Jurists has taken an exceedingly dangerous step toward legalizing pedophilia,” charged Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.
The Geneva-based organization is now complaining that its recommendations in an earlier document were “seriously misrepresented,” and that it never called for legalizing sexual relations between adults and minors.
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Morse responded: “That’s a bit of fancy footwork. On the website for the ‘March 8 Principles,’ the Jurists declared: ‘Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed age of consent may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.’” (Principle 16)
“They’re laying the philosophical framework for legalizing pedophilia. The legal ‘reforms’ will come later,” Morse explained.
“Adult/child sex has been in the background of the Sexual Revolution since the beginning,” Morse observed. “From the outset, its leading proponents, like Alfred Kinsey and Wilhelm Reich, maintained that children are sexual beings. They believed children had the right to have their own sex lives, without their parents’ knowledge or consent.”
Adult/child sex has been in the background of the Sexual Revolution since the beginning.
“They seemed to be thinking of kids having sex with each other. But they were not clear about whether children could give meaningful consent to sex with adults. And they certainly never condemned it. Is it any wonder their philosophy attracted full-fledged unapologetic pedophiles?”
“That the International Commission of Jurists has the support of the United Nations, which pushes elitist ethics like abortion on demand and the legalization of homosexuality in the developing world, makes its advocacy even more dangerous,” Morse stated.
The “March 8 Principles” also advocate the complete decriminalization of abortion, (Principle 15) “sex work,” (Principle 17) and the “nondisclosure of HIV status.” (Principle 19)
The Ruth Institute calls on the International Commission of Jurists and the United Nations to reverse their position on the capacity of minors to consent to sex, in fact, if not in law.
In March, Dr. Morse spoke at Human Life International’s conference in Auckland, New Zealand, on “Understanding and Resisting the Sexualization of Children.” She also gave a talk titled, “Baked In From the Beginning: Pedophilia and the Sexual Revolution,” at the Eighth Day Institute conference last year.
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.