President Trump’s Remark on [Expletive] Countries: Another Chance for Insufferable Virtue-Signaling
People are calling for President Trump to apologize. In fact they won’t be happy until he has crawled face down on broken glass all the way to the future site of the Giant Obama Takeout Bag in Chicago, singing “We Shall Overcome” in Spanish. Why?
For bluntly speaking his mind, and that of tens of millions of voters. And it was certainly imprudent for the president to use a phrase like “sh**hole countries” when speaking to his enemies. (I prefer the more urbane construction “Cacastan.”)
Or when speaking to his friends, as we can see in the wake of the leaks-based Wolff book. Or to whisper it to Melania across their Neiman Marcus copper pillowcases. Given how keenly the Lidless Eye of political correctness can see into our lives, it’s probably not even safe to whisper such thoughts in the shower. “The Master of the Precious will punish, yes he will. …”
Let the Moral Panic Commence!
Let’s watch as pundits and pseudo-moralists strut and preen across the stage, pretending that they don’t know what President Trump really meant. They will point to Arabic numerals, chicken mole, the Pyramids of Egypt and the Salvadoran handicrafts they bought at their Unitarian churches. … “Are these things ‘sh**ty’?”, they’ll thunder. “Are those cultures worthless?” And the answer, of course, is no.
Donald Trump has visited many of those countries, even invested millions in some of them, creating jobs. These people know that Trump didn’t mean to say otherwise. And they know that we know it. But everyone will pretend because that’s how the truth gets processed in America: through a long, intestinal corridor of reeking, toxic lies.
Next the chubby wubby bishops and pinch-faced feminist harridans will weigh in. Then the investment class and information elites will have their say. They’ll rise up and point to all the people from the countries which the president had in mind. To those who clean their homes at very reasonable wages (off the books) and babysit their 2.1 insufferable children. “Are these people ‘sh**ty’?”, they’ll thunder. And the answer, of course, is no.
Donald Trump grew up in the same multicultural Queens, NY, that I did. He hired and worked closely with thousands of construction workers of every origin. Heck, he even staffed some of his resorts with foreign workers! Thinking of kids whose parents smuggled them into the country, who now want to stay, Trump’s letting himself get misty-eyed with Democrats. That’s always dangerous. Those creatures can scent tears as sharks smell blood, and it puts them into a feeding frenzy. If Trump despised immigrants as people, he wouldn’t be turning all mushy when it comes to sending illegal ones home to where they are citizens. His base (me included) wouldn’t be sharpening knives, preparing in case he betrays us on immigration.
A Time for Preening
But the same folks who joke about “white trash,” “rednecks” and “bible-thumpers” and complain that inner-city Americans are “too lazy” to do certain jobs will step forth now. They’ll pull the robes off the Statue of Liberty, and wrap themselves in the U.N. flag. They will rear up on their hind legs and grunt for truffles.
They’ll demand that Trump snivel and beg forgiveness for what he didn’t say, or mean, or even imply. Because that’s how America works nowadays. You pretend to be offended on someone else’s behalf. I pretend to be sorry and apologize. And you pretend not to believe me. But you’ll have made your point: that you have the power to punish me, and I’ll crawl back under the table.
Democrats Treat Mexico as a Death Sentence
Who is it exactly that’s comparing Mexico to a medical waste dumpster full of dead babies? Well, that would be Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, TX. He equated deporting people to Mexico with aborting unborn children. (So did Cardinal Blaise Cupich of Chicago, who compared returning immigrants to selling unborn baby parts in Styrofoam coolers like KFC.) Who considers living in Muslim countries a fate worse than death? Why, that would be Pope Francis, who compared Europeans who want Muslims to live in those places with Herod, stacking high the piles of dead babies in Bethlehem.
Imagine a place that’s so poor, chaotic, or violent that millions of people would rather live in an American city governed by Democrats.
Which party is shrieking now that it’s “cruel” to send people back to El Salvador, folks to whom we gave TEMPORARY refuge after an earthquake 17 years ago? Do they think that the country has earthquakes every week? Or do they assume it’s a Cacastan, where no human being should ever be asked to live?
Which party warns us that much of the rest of the world is a vast, unlivable hellscape of persecution and poverty? So trying to limit refugees and immigration is “inhumane” and “anti-life.”
Why, that would be the Democrats.
What Makes a Place a Cacastan?
When President Trump spoke of certain countries as Cacastans, what was he really saying? I know you don’t need me to say this. Neither do the liberals having fake nervous breakdowns tonight, with great big grins on their pasty, Pharisaical faces. But just for the record, I’ll point it out:
Certain countries have rotten political arrangements. Bad economic systems. Cultures that replicate poverty. Mosques that churn out terrorists. All those things drive people to leave. But too many of them bring with them the bad ideas and habits that turned perfectly decent countries into Cacastans. And our machines for assimilation have all been sabotaged by leftists. So inviting in lots of Cacastanis will transform our own states to be more like the places they’re fleeing. (See California, Sweden, and Belgium.)
In fact, I may just have stumbled onto what makes a country a Cacastan: It’s a place that’s so poor, chaotic, or violent that millions of people would rather live in an American city governed by Democrats. When you put it that way, it really is shocking and sad.
And large swathes of the world apparently qualify. According to the Gallup Poll, some 700 million people want to leave their native countries. 165 million Cacastanis want to relocate to the U.S. They’re willing to live in places like Los Angeles. Even Baltimore. I thank the good Lord I’ve never experienced that level of desperation. And that’s what the president was talking about, to tell the truth.
But when has that ever mattered?