A Prayer for Those Who Bless Abortion

By Liberty McArtor Published on November 13, 2017

Christians pray outside abortion clinics, for the babies, the mothers, the workers. They pray that everyone will have life and have it more abundantly, as Jesus said. But on Thursday in Texas, a group of clergy went inside one abortion clinic with a different kind of prayer.

Not a prayer to end abortion. Not a prayer to save the unborn children’s lives. They didn’t pray for the mothers. Nor for the souls of those who perform them. They prayed a prayer of blessing — over the clinic, its staff and its patients. 

Blessing the Abortionists

“Women seeking an abortion are largely women of faith,” said organizer Kentina Washington-Leapheart told the Texas Observer. “It’s in many ways informing the decision they make.” She called the decision to abort their child “a God-given right.” 

She is also a director of programs for “Reproductive Justice and Sexuality Education” at the Religious Institute. The Religious Institute is a “multi-faith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual, gender, and reproductive health, education, and justice in faith communities and society.” She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.

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“They’re not having an abortion in spite of their faith,” Washington-Leapheart went on. “It’s in many ways informing the decision they make. … They have a God-given right to make decisions about their life.”

In January, twenty “faith leaders” blessed Planned Parenthood’s new abortion facility. There the facility’s director called abortion “our sacred work.”

A Self-Centered Choice That Devalues Life

The pro-choice crowd argues that the choice to abort is often selfless. Even merciful. For instance, if the mother feels she cannot afford to feed another mouth. Or if she is too young to care for a child. Or if her baby has an illness that will likely cause suffering after birth.

Is it not her duty — “God-given right,” even — to make the responsible decision to end that baby’s life before it can begin? 

We live in deceptive times. We see it everyday. As biblical morality becomes less popular, many reject truth, even in Jesus’ name.

Many women make the decision to abort from such motivations. We can understand their fears. But such motivations still assert control over something that only God can be responsible for: the giving and taking of life. 

Any decision to abort, no matter the reason, devalues the life of the unborn child. It says that because the baby is too poor, too sick, or too inconvenient, he or she is somehow less valuable. Okay to kill. Often brutally, with limb torn from little limb while the baby is yet alive.

This is not of God. No “God-given right” justifies it. 

Calling Evil Good

And yet people who claim to serve God — people like Washington-Leapheart — continue to describe abortion as “reproductive justice.”

Scripture tells us we can expect this from this world. “Evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived,” 2 Timothy 3:13 says. 

And according to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as “servants of righteousness.”

But “Their end will correspond to their deeds,” the passage goes on. Indeed, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

Praying for The Deceived

We live in deceptive times, just like Scripture warns. But we serve a God of powerful redemption. We have seen him transform the lives of abortionists, abortion clinic workers, post-abortive women. He saves the lives of children targeted by abortion.  

The religious leaders who blessed abortion on Thursday need to be transformed. They are obviously deceived, believing they labor for justice while supporting the worst injustice. 

We must combat that deception with the greatest weapon we have. So join me now in prayer.

Heavenly Father,

We know that you created all people in your image. And you love every life you have created. From the doctor performing abortions, the nurse facilitating them, the minister condoning them to the mother whose child is being killed and the unborn child dying. They are all souls precious in your sight.

As you remind us in Scripture, we are actively fighting spiritual forces of evil in this life. And that evil has deceived many into thinking that destroying unborn life is justice. That it’s good. Even godly.

Lord, it hurts and angers us to see such evil committed in your name, just as it hurts and angers you. But we know that your grace is sufficient for all. You can yet save the abortion doctor, the minister who blesses abortion, and the mother who chooses abortion. You can transform their lives into wonderful testimonies to your grace. 

We ask that you do that.

In Jesus Name,


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