Pray and Act to Protect and Preserve Freedom in America

By James Robison Published on June 25, 2016

God has called us as believers to pray for a spiritual awakening to bring about national repentance, sound thinking and the restoration of freedom. Freedom is truth. Truth is the Word of God. Truth is the Bible. Truth is Jesus Christ. Apart from God’s truth, God’s Word, there is no freedom.

Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner” during the white heat of battle. When the firing finally stopped, Key said he strained to see if the flag was still there. Today I find myself waking every day and looking to see if freedom is still here. My dear friends, we must not lose freedom.

We can maintain our freedom only by the eternal vigilance that has always been its price. Our republic was not established by cowards, and cowards will not preserve it. America will be the land of the free only as long as it is the home of the brave. America is a republic ruled by a constitution. We are not a democracy. A democracy is ruled by the majority. We are a republic. We are ruled by a constitution. We are not a monarchy, but we soon may be in anarchy. … We can be the guardians, the gatekeepers, the restorers of the foundation and the wall builders maintaining our precious liberty.

Contrary to popular opinion, foolish actions by Congress and some of our courts, the American founders believed that everyone has a general knowledge of natural moral law and divine providence. From the heavens above to the conscience within, the world points to its Creator. That’s why unbelievers still innately know that murder is wrong, injustice is immoral, and basic human rights are inalienable. We can see enough truth “through what has been made” so that we can be held accountable for our actions. (Romans 1:20)

It is not too late for America. A righteous remnant remains. But we must return to the absolutes upon which our nation was founded before Independence Day becomes another meaningless holiday and freedom a forgotten notion of the past. The true church committed to Christ must arise and shine and lead the way out of this present darkness, proclaiming God’s liberating truth in love, or America will soon join the ash heap of fallen nations.

Rather than surrender by withdrawing from public debate, we need to engage it in new ways. We must be able to defend our core principles clearly, directly and compassionately. We need to explain how they relate to current issues and be consistent in our application of them.

America’s decline is not inevitable, and we, as believers, have the solutions. Foundational principles established our freedom, and they can prolong it. Let us advocate them, live them and elect those who hold to them.

Finally, may we never cease praying about all of our concerns. We can help restore America and freedom. It will not be easy, but together, and with God’s help, it can be done. This is the greatest hour for people of faith to become a guiding light for our nation and our world.


Adapted from a chapter in James Robison’s new book The Stream to be released on Tuesday.
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