Poll: Majority of Americans Want Restrictions on Abortion
Just in time for Friday's March for Life in D.C.
A new poll shows the majority of Americans support restrictions on abortion, including those who describe themselves as pro-choice.
A survey conducted by the Marist Institute for Public Opinion and sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, found 8 in 10 Americans, including 66 percent of pro-choice supporters polled, would restrict abortion to the first trimester of a pregnancy.
Marist Poll director Barbara Carvalho says data shows majority in US want abortion restrictions pic.twitter.com/gYs4JkBFVy
— Mariana Barillas (@mvbarillas) January 19, 2016
Six in 10 Americans believe abortion is “morally wrong,” with one-third of pro-choice respondents agreeing.
“Contrary to the rhetoric and talking points that would have us believe that abortion restrictions are out of step with American opinion … Americans want commonsense legislation that limits abortion and they want it by wide margins,” Patrick Kelly, Knights of Columbus vice president for public policy, said at a press conference Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
The poll found that 68 percent oppose using taxpayer funds to pay for abortion, including 51 percent of pro-choice respondents.
Overall, 61 percent support banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except to save the life of the mother — a view reflected by 62 percent of pro-choice participants.
@KofC Andrew Walther shows 81% of Americans, and 66% prochoicers, favor abortion restrictions pic.twitter.com/SEuEiASoiE
— Mariana Barillas (@mvbarillas) January 19, 2016
“The fact that so many people who identify as pro-choice support abortion-restricting legislation is frankly, given the narrative in this country, stunning,” Andrew Walther, vice president of communications and strategic planning for the Knights of Columbus, said at the gathering.
Marist surveyed 1,686 Americans ages 18 and older in the continental United States. The poll was conducted by telephone in both English and Spanish from Nov. 15 to 22. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points.
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