O’Rourke Staff Diverting Campaign Cash to Help Welcome the Conquistador Caravan

By John Zmirak Published on November 2, 2018

Robert Francis O’Rourke has a problem. It’s money.

No, I won’t call him β€œBeto.” Unless you call me β€œJuanito.” Because I’m as Hispanic as Democratic Senate candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke. More so, in fact, since I have a Puerto Rican nephew and niece. At least I’m related to Latinos. O’Rourke just put on a Hispanic moniker the way he used to don a dress when he played for his punk band. He β€œidentifies” as Hispanic when it suits him, as when he uses β€œkitchen Spanish” to talk to voters. That’s the argot which homeowners sometimes pick up, from talking to β€œthe help.”

O’Rourke’s money problem is an odd one. He’s choking on the stuff. Like King Midas who found that any food which touched his lips turned into gold. Cash keeps flowing into his campaign from out-of-state Democrats, far more than he can use.

Just the Fact That You Drive Drunk Doesn’t Make You a Kennedy

Almost once a week, a national magazine like Vanity Fair will publish a puff piece, oohing and aahing about how β€œKennedyesque” O’Rourke is. (As I quipped on Lars Larson, just because you drive drunk and flee the scene of an accident, that doesn’t make you a Kennedy, but whatever.)

And the checks roll in to O’Rourke to the tune of $70 million β€” instead of going to Democrats in close, competitive races. O’Rourke is expected to lose his race. Some national Democrat operatives are complaining. It doesn’t help that O’Rourke said he won’t give the huge, tottering piles of excess money to other needy Democrats, even after he loses. Maybe he’ll use it to paper the walls of his bedroom, or burn it in the fireplace.

O’Rourke’s father-in-law, William D. Sanders, is a billionaire, worth (by some estimates) $20 billion. That’s many times more than President Trump’s worth. Sanders made the money in real estate, some of it on the backs of poor Latinos, who were set to lose their homes in a Sanders-backed gentrification scheme that O’Rourke pushed as a member of the El Paso City Council.

Buying Diapers for Future Democrats

So there’s money, so much of it that perhaps the stacks of cash are blocking the doors and causing a fire hazard. And members of O’Rourke’s campaign came up with an innovative way to get some of it out of the way: Use it to help bring future Democrats into the U.S. on fake asylum claims.

That’s right, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas caught staffers of O’Rourke’s campaign talking about how they were shoveling some of their unwanted cash into charities that are helping illegal immigrants, and will doubtless welcome the Conquistador Caravan if it crosses the U.S. border. You know, those thousands of people, some of whom are committing child abuse by dragging their kids through the desert? Who rejected asylum, refuge, aid, and work permits in Mexico? Who are already being represented by U.S. immigration lawyers, claiming that President Trump violated their β€œConstitutional rights” before they even reached our borders? Those folks who when interviewed say they want better health care and better schools at our expense? That army whose most aggressive members were stoning Mexican cops and breaking down border fences?

Those people. O’Rourke’s campaign staff appear on video here, talking up their scheme:

So U.S. campaign funds are going to enable and encourage child abuse, illegal border crossing, and the flouting of U.S. immigration law. All by people whose claim to β€œasylum” is transparently false. But it will cost us thousands of dollars to litigate each and every claim. Assuming these immigrants ever show up for their hearings, as thousands annually don’t. And if this march is successful, count on many thousands more to set forth on the perilous journey, on routes controlled by drug cartels that rape 80 percent of Central American women and girls who enter the U.S. illegally. O’Rourke’s campaign might as well be offering free PR to human trafficking gangs.

Breaking Campaign Finance Law

Ted Cruz, to his credit, was quick (as the MSM likes to say) to β€œpounce” on this revelation. As the Dallas Morning News reported:

Sen. Ted Cruz accused Rep. Beto O’Rourke on Friday of allowing aides to use campaign donations to help Central American migrants moving north through Mexico in a so-called caravan.

Such diversion could violate federal campaign law.

Here’s what I’d like folks to think about. O’Rourke’s father-in-law is one of the richest men in America. Do we see him running programs in Honduras to help people find jobs? To advocate legal transparency? An end to rampant corruption? Or how about the one thing which, as Latin economist Hernando de Soto has demonstrated, would do most to conquer poverty? That is, secure property rights for the poor. Give them clear title to the homes where they live, and the lots where they run their businesses?

Why not help people like this writer who lives in Honduras, aiding the rural poor? She spoke out against the message the caravan sends hard-working people in that country: Give up, flee to the North. 


So there’s money, so much of it that perhaps the stacks of cash are blocking the doors and causing a fire hazard. And members of O’Rourke’s campaign came up with an innovative way to get some of it out of the way: Use it to help bring future Democrats into the U.S. on fake asylum claims.

Why Not Really Help the Poor?

Maybe the O’Rourke clan could ship some truckloads of its own money to fund groups like the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD). Founded by De Soto, the ILD helps poor people like those Central Americans prosper at home. It organizes them, and helps them gain legal title to their own homes and places of business. Instead of dragging their kids through the desert, subjecting their girls to the risk of rape, and ending up on debilitating American welfare programs. And it does all this with money honestly donated. Not illegally diverted from cash-gorged senate campaigns for scions of billionaire clans.

But then, of course, those people can’t vote Democrat in U.S. elections. And that’s the whole point, now, isn’t it?


This article has been updated.

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