Open Your Eyes to Glimmers of God’s Grace

Faith Hakesley writes:
We have officially entered into the holiday season. This time of year can certainly be a mix of emotions and chaos. Before the hustle and bustle takes over, I want to motivate you to open your eyes to God’s glimmers of grace.
My mom first encouraged me to look for God’s “glimmers of grace” in 2003. At that time, I was struggling big-time. I was still contending with the recent death of my brother (due to a heart condition) as well as the aftermath of months of clerical abuse.
In a moment when I was bordering on despair, Mom explained to me that glimmers are small moments sent by God to bring us joy and peace. These gifts are reminders of His presence and can play a huge role in our lives, especially as we heal. Like beams of light, they might come and go quickly. However, they remind us that there is hope, joy, and peace even when everything around us feels overwhelming. We have to be willing to open our eyes in order to recognize them.
Because of my mom’s encouragement to open my eyes to these glimmers, my life completely changed.
Therapy Bans Are What Cause True Harm
Dr. Christopher Rosik is a psychologist and director of research at Link Care Center in Fresno, California, as well as a clinical faculty member of Fresno Pacific University. He has published more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals on sexual orientation and other topics and has made presentations across America and in Europe. Dr. Rosik is also a past president of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity.
Watch as Dr. Rosik and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse discuss the problem with therapy bans for unwanted same-sex attraction.
“Many sexual minorities experience change,” Rosik reveals. “And most change is naturalistic or spontaneous. That’s well established in the literature. What’s more controversial is can any change be facilitated or assisted by a therapist?”
“The narrative is that no, that can never happen. So spontaneous natural change happens all over the place, but the one place it can’t happen is in a therapist’s office?” Rosik asks.
“The answer isn’t to ban [therapy]. The answer is to study it more and to help people. That would be the scientific approach rather than the political approach.”
Learn more insight from Dr. Rosik about why therapy bans are harmful by watching the full episode with our Locals community. Or, watch the first half on YouTube, Rumble, or Bitchute.
Pregnancy Care Centers Need to Protect Their Religious Liberties ASAP
“I hope I put the fear of God in them: Sooner or later, someone in the vast pregnancy care center network is going to get sued,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph. D., of her recent trip to conduct training for pregnancy care centers in Ohio. “They need to get their paperwork in order to protect themselves now. Too many in positions of power would like nothing better than to shut them down.”
“Especially in light of the recent passage of Issue 1, enshrining abortion in the Ohio State Constitution, organizations trying to protect the right to life should be on high alert,” Morse said.
“Nationwide, pregnancy care centers outnumber abortion clinics four to one. It’s important that the pro-life movement does the groundwork to keep it that way. There are documents and protocols to protect pregnancy care centers from being easy targets for lawsuits.”
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“Primarily run by women, pregnancy care centers are the real women’s movement. Others who claim to speak for all women, have no right to do so,” Morse said.
“Abortion clinics try to get as many women in and out the door as quickly as they can. Pregnancy care centers, on the other hand, spend time listening to scared mothers, offering them the help they need to deal with their current fears. Sometimes pregnancy care centers work with a woman for months before and after the birth of her child.”
“In light of the studies showing abortion can cause women lasting emotional harm, as well as an elevated risk for breast cancer, who cares for women more: pregnancy care centers, or Planned Parenthood?” Morse asked.
Also while in Ohio, Morse was a guest on Cincinnati’s Sacred Heart Radio show, “Driving Home the Faith,” with Fr. Rob Jack. Morse is a regular guest on the show, but this was her first in-studio recording with Fr. Jack.
She also spoke at Ruah Woods, an organization that creates curriculum for schools to teach Theology of the Body, based on the writings of Saint Pope John Paul II, instead of traditional sex ed.
“I strongly support their mission,” Morse said of Ruah Woods. “I spoke on ‘Replacing the Sexual Revolution with a Civilization of Love.’ By offering a further understanding of how the Sexual Revolution has caused our world so much destruction, I hope to bolster the good people at Ruah Woods in their ministry to teach children and young adults the truth about God’s plan for human sexuality.”
“I was blessed by my time in Ohio to meet with so many amazing people fighting to take back our culture from a society seemingly bent on self-destruction. I met face to face with several Ruth Institute supporters and thanked them personally for their contributions to keep the work of the Ruth Institute going.”
“All in all, this was an enriching trip. I wish our fellow Happy Warriors in Ohio my heartfelt gratitude for all the life-saving and soul-saving work they do.”
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.