NRA CEO Calls for Heightened School Security in CPAC Address

"Do we really love our money and our celebrities more than we love our children?"

By Liberty McArtor Published on February 22, 2018

National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Thursday morning in National Harbor, Maryland. Just eight days after a school shooting left 17 dead in Parkland, Florida, LaPierre responded to the relentless criticism of the NRA. He also offered potential solutions to the problem of mass shootings.

“Each and every member of the National Rifle Association mourns the loss of the innocent,” he said. “We share a goal of safe schools, safe neighborhoods and a safe country.” 

LaPierre called out “opportunists” who he said exploited the Parkland tragedy by immediately calling for gun control and blaming the NRA. Specifically, he called out national media and Democrats. He claimed the Democratic Party is now controlled by “European-style socialists.” 

“The elites don’t care one wit about America’s school system and school children,” he said. “If they truly cared, what they would do is they would protect them. For them, it’s not a safety issue. It’s a political issue.” 

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To stop more school shootings, LaPierre argued “we must immediately harden our schools.” He also blamed failures of the family, the nation’s mental health system and the FBI. Last week, the FBI acknowledged the bureau received a tip about the Parkland shooter last month. The statement said “protocols were not followed,” and investigative steps should have been taken.

LaPierre also noted how many places in America are protected by armed security. Meanwhile schools are labeled “gun free zones.” He said this makes schools “wide open targets” for mad men.

“It should not be easier for a mad man to shoot up a school than a bank or a jewelry store or some Hollywood gala,” he said. “Do we really love our money and our celebrities more than we love our children?”

LaPierre noted that any American school can take advantage of the NRA’s free “School Shield” program

Watch the entire speech below:

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