Not Enough Youth in Asia?

Don Feder, Ruth Institute Coalitions Director, writes:
It didn’t take long to start heading where no civilized people should go. A Japanese professor at Yale is talking about euthanasia for his country’s growing population of older adults.
One-third of Japanese are over 65. One in five live alone. More than 30,000 die alone each year. A small industry has sprung up to remove their remains.
Japan’s elderly crisis is a consequence of its demographic crisis. The nation has one of the world’s lowest fertility rates — an average of 1.3 children per woman, with 2.1 needed to maintain population stability.
In 2022, its population declined by 800,000. It’s projected to fall an additional 30% by 2045. Back in the 1980s, Japan’s economy seemed invincible, and we were all learning Japanese business techniques. It worked for a while. In 1990, the nation’s gross domestic product grew 4.9%. By 2019, this growth had slowed to 0.3%. There aren’t enough young workers to keep the economy growing and pay social benefits to care for the aged.
In such a situation, ice floes look increasingly inviting. Professor Yusuke Narita, who is 38, told The New York Times in a Feb. 12 interview: “I feel like the solution is pretty clear. In the end, isn’t it mass suicide and mass seppuku of the elderly?”
And it needn’t necessarily be voluntary. “The possibility of making it mandatory in the future will come up in the discussion,” the professor remarked.
People are having fewer babies. So what?
The latest guest on the Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse Show is Nicholas Eberstadt, a political economy chair at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC. He researches demography, development, and international security. His latest book is “Men Without Work: Post Pandemic Edition.”
In this episode, he and Dr. Morse discuss the increasing threat of worldwide population decline, also known as demographic winter.
“Population decline is going to be a much more dramatic presence in our future over the coming generation … . There are going to be a lot of seniors depending on proportionately fewer working age people for support.”
United Nations statisticians estimate that “three-quarters of the people in the world today live in countries that have below-replacement childbearing levels.” This will wreak havoc on these nations’ economies.
“We’ve already got countries that are pretty steeply into what looks like irreversible population decline.”
To understand the full scope of the problem, watch the interview on our Locals network, YouTube, or Rumble.
Don’t Let Sexual Revolutionaries Redefine Childhood, says Ruth Institute
A Pennsylvania English teacher is teaching children about the most intimate aspects of human sexuality. For older kids, these include photos of genitalia. “This should be filed under ‘I thought I’d heard it all,’” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.
Al Vernacchio of Friends’ Central School, a private school in Wynnewood, PA, boasts: “I’m responsible for the sexuality education of all of our students from our youngest students who are three years old in nursery school, up through our 12th graders who are turning 18 and getting ready to leave high school. That’s a huge range, but every single one of those kids is a sexual being. They have been since birth.”
Morse replied: “Mr. Vernacchio doesn’t realize what he’s admitting to. He’s redefining childhood without telling anyone that he’s doing so. Alfred Kinsey, Wilhelm Reich, and other ‘luminaries’ of the Sexual Revolution, also taught that children are sexual beings from birth. Kinsey used that theory to justify experiments with infants that can only be described as sick and perverted.”
“Some of us believe children are innocent and helpless at birth, and our job is to give them the time and safety to mature,” Morse said. “Children don’t need to be exploring their ‘sexuality’ in pre-school. They need to learn shapes and colors and how to take turns and share. Children need adults to protect them and safeguard their innocence.”
“If sexuality is really so ‘natural,’ we shouldn’t need to ‘cultivate’ it,” Morse said. “Sexuality can emerge naturally without kids being flooded with images and ideas they aren’t ready for.”
“It’s up to parents to find out what their children are being subjected to in public and private schools. How graphic and age-appropriate is it? Do parents receive advance notice? Are they allowed to opt out their children?”
“These are legitimate questions, which should be answered without hesitation. Schools should understand that they have a responsibility to parents as well as to children.”
Ask a Survivor: On Doing the Impossible
Sometimes, parts of life feel impossible. Healing is one such part.
When life feels impossible, slow down, and take things one step at a time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get through the seemingly impossible seasons.
You might be grieving your past choices or contending with the aftermath of the hurt someone else caused you. Whatever you are needing to heal from, I want you to know that healing is never impossible.
It all starts with that first step — with the decision to accept what has happened. Once you have come to a place of acceptance, you can then make the next important step on your journey: choosing to take the necessary steps in order to move forward.
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.