Christians, We’re a Team. Let’s Act Like One
A team falls apart when its members don't do their jobs ... or have each others' backs.
When kids start playing sports, one of the first things they learn is that “there’s no ‘I’ in team.” A bit cheesy? Sure. Overused? Maybe a tad. Nevertheless, the saying is true. A good team works together.
Christians, we’re a team. But we’re pros at finding a way to insert the “I” in the T-E-A-M. As any seasoned athlete or sports fan knows, that’s a recipe for disaster.
Just look at football.
On the football team, every player has a distinct role. A team can’t win without a really good quarterback. But he can’t do everything. Without an offensive line that executes their blocking scheme, the quarterback can’t get his passes off and the running back can’t get through the line. Just one guard decides to block the middle linebacker rather than the defensive tackle he’s supposed to block, and the whole play breaks down.
Bottom line: when players fail to fulfill their duties, their teammates suffer. And the whole team loses.
How Christians Put the “I” in “Team”
Back to us Christians. How do we stick the “I” in T-E-A-M? Plenty of ways. Like when we try to take over a job that’s not ours. Or fail to be there for a teammate in need. Or sow discord among team members, rather than fighting the opponents.
Think you’re guilt free? When was the last time you plowed through something you should have passed off? It’s not like you were trying to take more glory. Maybe you wanted to make sure it got done right. And to be honest, you didn’t really trust your teammate. So you muttered, “I’ll just do it myself.”
But your job was to focus on your task and let your teammate focus on theirs. Instead, you proved your distrust of the coach. He designed the play, after all. And while you deprived your teammate of fulfilling their potential, you also left your own task undone.
It’s time to step up and block for each other. Because Satan hits hard. And he takes cheap shots.
When was the last time you slacked off as a spiritual guard for your fellow Christians? You knew the enemy was coming full speed, ready to take down your teammate. But you didn’t block. It’s not like you were trying to let your teammate take the hit. Maybe you were just busy.
But your job was to pay attention, even if it meant getting hit yourself. Instead, you lagged. You didn’t intercede for them or even check in. You weren’t there.
When was the last time you spoke unwholesome words about a fellow believer? Or harbored resentment toward them in your heart? It’s not like you wanted to fight your own team. They wronged you.
But your job was to unify your team. Instead, you sowed discord and even hatred among teammates. Meanwhile the opposing team — the real enemy — took advantage.
Let’s Be Teammates
The ugly truth is that we’ve all failed on these accounts at one time or another. We’ve all failed at being a team. We’ve managed to put the “I” — our own ambitions, comfort and desires — where it doesn’t belong.
But we need each other. So it’s time to stop bickering. It’s time to listen to the coach, obey him, and complete the tasks he’s given us. It’s time to step up and block for each other.
Because Satan hits hard. And he takes cheap shots. He’ll brutally tackle any one of us he can. When we’re not watching out for each other, we all suffer. But when we stand together as a team, there is power.
But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. 1 Corinthians 12:18