Nine Great Blessings in God’s Forecast for You

By Dudley Hall Published on November 26, 2016

Have you ever thought about the idea of blessings and curses? These words are seldom used these days, except as polite and impolite words we sometimes interject in our conversations with each other.  The Bible takes the idea much further than that, telling us that people may live under a curse or a blessing. But what might that mean?

Some people think of witches and potions when they think of curses; and as for blessings, that’s mostly about thinking nice thoughts. That’s not what they’re about, though, and the difference is important.

Paul, the author of much of the New Testament penned this to the sophisticated people of Ephesus in the first century.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 1:3)

Jesus Christ, our representative before the Father, has been blessed fully and eternally. All available blessings have been conferred upon Him. Jesus followers are “in Christ,” so God’s forecast for them is bright and sunny. It is full of blessings.

Should we then be concerned about living under a curse? Alan Wright says, “a curse is not so much a magical spell whipped up in a witch’s pot, as it is the voice of fear forecasting [things that are] opposite from the word of God.”

Though we who are in Christ are not cursed, we can live as those who are by believing something contrary to God’s word concerning us. When we make conclusions based on fear instead of trust, we will be inclined to forecast a future that features calamity and conspiracy.

For instance, when the people of Israel confronted the promised land, they were told by God through Moses that it was theirs for the taking. They sent out spies to see what was there and how they would go about taking what God had given. Most of the spies came back with fear; they concluded that they would fail if they tried. When the people believed that fearful report, they chose the curse of its fulfillment. When Joshua and Caleb believed the promise of God in the face of daunting circumstances, they moved ahead under blessing.

What then is God’s forecast for His people in Christ?

  1. Your faith is evidence of God’s election and His eternal love being expressed to you. His mercy has been bestowed upon you.
  2. Jesus “became sin” so that you could be His righteousness.
  3. He set you apart as His chosen vessel to display His glory through you.
  4. He has given you His life so that you could enjoy Him as He enjoys you.
  5. He sees you as His child and delights in your success in fulfilling your calling.
  6. He has made you an heir to His entire estate.
  7. He has already gone into the heavens to establish your place there.
  8. He has conquered death to free you to live now with trusting abandon.
  9. He has allotted necessary grace for each stage of your life and every circumstance on your journey.

Thanksgiving was just a couple days ago, but the time to embrace your blessing with thanks is still now. Refuse the report that comes from fear. Keep your external and internal conversation consistent with His proclamation.

In Christ we are blessed, because He took the curse. The giants may appear imposing, but the forecast is sunny.

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