Newt Gingrich: 2016 Election Is “Utterly Unpredictable”

By Published on January 31, 2016

Surveying the 2016 presidential election, master political statesman and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the race for the White House is “utterly unpredictable.”

Compared to his own presidential bid in 2012, Gingrich thinks “in a world so dominated by Donald Trump, I don’t know how a secondary candidate would behave.” In this 25-minute video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, Gingrich says Trump “has mastered the Kardashian model of social media” leaving most normal candidates struggling to get heard, while Ted Cruz’s campaign now rivals Mitt Romney’s 2012 bid.

Asked whether President Barack Obama would be more wounded as a lame duck president if he was still speaker, Gingrich says Republican leaders have been “buffaloed by the media and Obama.”

“I would be condemning Obama a lot more,” but “I am more confrontational. [We would be] holding hearings to maximize embarrassment.”

Using his experience in Congress and prowess of leveraging political opportunities the Democrats give, he mentions the Environmental Protection Agency’s utter failure in Golden, Colo. and Flint, Mich. Gingrich recommends changing laws so that instead of bureaucrats getting bonuses and free passes, they live under the same rules as businesses — if businesses are negligent, they face criminal sanctions.

Commenting on the explicit erosion of free expression occurring in America, Gingrich cited an interview with former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers who declared “creeping totalitarianism on campuses.” He says, “We have to be as militant defending America, as the enemies of America are in trying to destroy America.”

Gingrich also says in the interview students should have help litigating against some of their most egregious, ideologically-inclined professors on the grounds the students are being cheated out of a real education due to brainwashing and propaganda.

He believes that if a person believes in Sharia law, American citizenship should be denied, since it is inimical to the U.S. Constitution.

When assessing the difference between conservatives and liberals views on terrorism, Gingrich says conservatives think terrorists should be killed while liberals want to know what America did to you to make you a terrorist. He says the only common ground conservatives have with terrorists is if it is a burial ground.

The Obama administration must have lied to the Gang of Eight in Congressional leadership when they briefed them on the covert activities in Libya, and he has two deeper questions after watching the Benghazi movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

Progressives suffer from a false notion that ousting dictators would cause the formation of PTAs and Leagues of Women Voters to help a country live happily ever after.

A new Republican president, to correct America’s statecraft as fundamentally transformed by Obama, should start by cleaning out the Department of State, the National Security Counsel and senior posts in the Pentagon and the intelligence community. Then, he says, we need to calmly start redefining America’s interests.

Americans should distrust government, he says. “It’s a mess,” citing the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Indian Health Service and the inability of the Pentagon to know where key assets are.

For additional information on Newt Gingrich, see his newest book, Duplicity: A Novel, and Gingrich Productions for newsletters and more.

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Copyright 2016, The Daily Caller News Foundation

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