Who Needs Good Men?
I’m weary of reading about predatory males behaving shamefully. So it was especially disheartening to read about the tragic death of the Boy Scouts last week. (How can we even continue to call them Boy Scouts, now that they’ve opened all their ranks to girls?)
This is not the time to vanquish a once great and noble organization which has formed many honorable young men over the decades.
Did the Boy Scouts surrender to the inanity of gender ideology, or the merciless mandate of “inclusion”? Perhaps it was just the demands of the dollar. Ranks have been shrinking for years, with huge losses in recent years after the decision to allow openly homosexual leaders and scouts.
An Unmanly Move
Whatever their reason, it seems a very unmanly move. It’s also a terrible loss to our culture. Heaven forbid anything be reserved for boys, for the sake of forming strong, moral, honorable young men. After all, who needs good men?
Every woman and child on earth needs good men. Good men aren’t manufactured out of thin air. Future good men need to be shaped and taught by current good men. And who can deny that our culture is churning out fewer and fewer men of character?
We need a revival of genuine manhood, and a renewed appreciation for the gifts of masculinity.
There’s a disdain for manhood in every corner of society, thanks in part to modern, liberal “feminism.” Masculinity is treated as a disease to be eradicated. Men are worthy of scorn merely for being male. Unless, of course, they talk a good game of “women’s rights” and “reproductive freedom.” In which case, they’ll be lauded and loved (even as they betray their wives and assault other women).
But you see, manhood isn’t about treating women like objects for pleasure, or manipulation and coercion, threats and intimidation. It certainly isn’t about sending your unborn child to be slaughtered.
We need a revival of genuine manhood, and a renewed appreciation for the gifts of masculinity.
A good man uses his masculine strength to protect, defend and provide for the ones he loves — his family above all, but also his community. A good man is one who exercises chastity and self-mastery concerning his sexuality. A good man is trustworthy, honorable, faithful and kind. A good man seeks to defend the helpless, not abandon them to death.
The Boy Scouts are not a guarantee of virtuous manhood. But they were once a powerful weapon to that end, and it deserves to be left to boys alone.
A Marvelous, Equally-Beneficial Cycle
By and large, boys who are shaped by good men grow up to be good men. Good men are good husbands and fathers. Good husbands and fathers anchor healthier, stable families. Children from stable, healthy families don’t grow up damaged by the chaos and wounds of dysfunction and brokenness. They become more stable, healthy adults.
Children who grow up with good fathers in the home — married to their mothers — learn stability, steadfastness, commitment, strength, sacrifice and a host of other virtues that masculinity offers.
Women benefit enormously from this. Good husbands and fathers treat women with respect and dignity. Women who are treated with respect and dignity in turn bring out the very best in men. It’s the most perfect, mutually-beneficial cycle: Women who treat men with honor and admiration are rewarded with men who treat women with respect and dignity, and use their strength to protect and defend, not dominate.
This motivates women to appreciate the gifts of masculinity and esteem the good men in their lives. This brings out the knight in a good man, and round and round it goes.
Everyone is blessed — most of all, children — for they see the genius of this masculine/feminine exchange. They grow up with a healthy and proper understanding of how men and women work well together. They learn how men and women complement and complete one another, instead of learning how to despise each other.
The Smartest Thing Women Could Do
So here’s a thought. Good men are good for women, and good women are good for men. Good women bring out the best in good men, who in turn treat women well. All of this is good for our children — not just good, but essential.
The smartest thing women could do would be to encourage the formation of good, honorable, masculine men, and throw their whole-hearted support behind any organization with that goal.
Our daughters will one day understand the wisdom of such support, and thank us profusely.